Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The First Law of Petropolitics

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Anonymous said...

Let's all lower oil prices so democratic institutions will no long suffer!!! =)

It's petropolitics.

Anonymous said...

Agreed! Even the countries that supply the oil can benefit. If prices are lower, more people will want to buy the oil so they can make more money, and thier people can live in more freedom than when prices are higher.

Anonymous said...

This makes complete sense. When oil prices are high, the countries who supply the oil are reaping huge bemefits. With these benefits, they don't need citizens money, so they don't have to listen to the people.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure OPEC wouldn't mind at all lowering oil prices. Because those countries would love giving up millions of dollars of profits. The countries that have all the oil aren't too concerned over freedoms or democratic institutions. They are just interested in making the most money possible, which is when oil is over $100 a barrel.

Anonymous said...

Oooooh if only people weren't so greedy,we would have solved all kinds of problems by now. Too bad we are. Too bad things that are "looking up" will probably just bite us in the butt...again..