Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Likelihood of Democratic Deserters

This is very interesting. Make sure you watch and comment.


Anonymous said...

Good! Keep on rippin' each other apart! This is going to be a repeat of the 1968 election! McCain '08!!

Doug McAcy said...

This story is not a legitimate concern. Once the party picks their nominee, the party will then regain its identity and rally behind their candidate. In a very heated primary season, such as this, it is quite common for supporters of either candidate to say they'll go now. But once November comes and we are down to Democrats vs. Republicans, they will realize the fundamental issues at stake and rally behind either Clinton or Obama.

Anonymous said...

I definately agree with Patriot. Obama and Clinton are constantly hurting each other and hurting themselves. Recently they've hurt themselves more than they hurt the other. Clinton's exaggeration or lie about her trip to Bosnia turns people away because who wants to have a liar or an exaggerator in office for 4 or 8 years.

Having the two dem. candidates fighting for the seat is only seperating the demoratic party. If one of them doesn't drop out soon who knows what kind of affect it could have in November.