Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Stimulus Packages and Bailouts


Anonymous said...

laughing out loud.
okay. not really...
very funny though.

Anonymous said...

While that is a funny cartoon, it does represent what the retailers were hoping for. Black Friday sales this year were up 1.9% from last year, putting retailers just a little bit in the profit margin. While retailers shouldn't look to one day out of the year to save their businesses, that is, unfortunately, what happens. Stores benefit from consumers looking for Christmas presents, and the retailers manage to just barely stay in the profit margin for another year.

Anonymous said...

I like this cartoon. It reminded me of what my mom probably looked like coming home from shopping for 13 hours on Black Friday!

Anonymous said...

......I actually did laugh out loud..

Anonymous said...

Hopefully that's what my parents look like coming home from Christmas shopping..

Anonymous said...

I can't believe the person who created this editorial knows my family....that scares me...haha.

Anonymous said...

I love how we are in a time of recession and people are still spending more money than they have.

Anonymous said...

People spend so much money during the holidays that they sometimes loose track of the real meaning of it.

Anonymous said...

It does look like she bailed out the retailers.

Anonymous said...

haha this actually gave me a few chuckles and it does represent what the retailers were hoping for.

Anonymous said...

This cartoon is so funny, yet so true at the same time. Black Friday was an extremely successful day for all retailers this year. Even with the economy down, many retailers were able to get back in the black due to the large amount of shoppers that were brought in as a result of the large price cuts on many items that retailers made.

Anonymous said...

oooook. so the feaces freak me out...anyway, many people were too afraid to go out on black friday (like my parents) ....soo we didn't really contribute to helping bail them out. FAILURES. =]

Anonymous said...

I like this cartoon. It's a good representation of what many people look like the day after Thanksgiving. It's funny how everyone is so concerned with this recession, yet people were still able to go out and come home laden with bags and bags of Christmas presents. It makes me wonder if maybe the government and big business are not so at fault as what everyone says... it is probably a bigger problem of the U.S. population not being able to manage their money.

Anonymous said...

That is a problem with our society. As soon as we get out of debt we plunge ourselves back in. People need to own up to their responsibilites our government isn't going to bail us out everytime. So quit running up your credit cards people!

Anonymous said...

This is the reason our country is in a recession. People buy things they do not need, and that they don't have enough money to pay for. They just keep on using a credit card and think that it will never come back to harm them.

Anonymous said...

This cartoon is funny and shows that black friday was a great success for the retailers. Now we should ask the government for our bailout.

Anonymous said...

I think that maybe people were waiting to buy everything at once, when the prices were exponentially lower. So that would explain why consumer rates were lower the rest of the year, and higher on black friday.

Anonymous said...

This cartoon was funny and completely represented how black friday went. I think that the reason why black friday was a success even though our economy is in bad shape is because people get all excited about the holidays. They get these ads about all of the good deals and think they are going to be able to get all of their presents and not have to spend as much, but they get overwhelmed and spend more because of the excitement of the day.

Anonymous said...

now who's going to save that poor woman from eing in debt? maybe im too quick to judge and she actually does have the money to spend...who knows? =)

Anonymous said...

ha ha... funny cartoon. i have realized while looking at this cartoon and through hearing about the bail out in the news that we are a nation of traders. we exchange money for the things we want or believe we need. well the thing is america.. we don't have anything to trade with... that is why we are in debt people.

Anonymous said...

I love this political cartoon. The economy is sooo open for bashing by the media.This cartoon just shows how the average ordinary family is and also instigates the affects on economy.

GeorgeCostanza said...

I really like this. but I'm confused, people in debt wa a cause for our country to slip into a recession, right? So why are people going out and probably in most cases spending more money than they can afford, but then again it's helping the economy? i'm just confused. But this cartoon is really funny.

Anonymous said...

I REALLY like this cartoon. it is very true and people will go out and spend $2000 just to save $500. I also heard that the retailers will keep on with the sales until christmas and after christmas in order to "Bail" themselves out. VERY funny cartoon though!

Anonymous said...

Hahaha. Wait, I'm still not positive as to whether this is a good or a bad thing? I mean, people are spreading money around, which is good, unless they don't have it and they are charging it all and nobody is really getting any money out of the deal then, which is bad...