Sunday, January 4, 2009

01/03/09: President-elect Obama's Weekly Address


Anonymous said...

He said he will give tax relief to 95% of all workers. What about the other 5%? I'd hate to be them.

Anonymous said...

"Everyone who's ever taken a shower has an idea. It's the person who gets out of the shower, dries off and does something about it who makes a difference.”
Nolan Bushnell quotes

Anonymous said...

Create three million new jobs, that does sound like a good plan. But, what are the exact steps to achieving this goal?

Anonymous said...

Every time the media says that Obama is going to tell the country his plan I get very excited...but unfortunately I'm always disappointed in his ambiguity he displays when he is presenting his "plan."

Anonymous said...

President elect Obama is a visionary of our time, his fiscal plans are exactly what D.C. needs right now. Joe Biden put it best "D.C. needs change not more of the same". In these turbulent and uncertain times where we see that the policies of old are no longer effective and change is necessary, who better to lead us than a man who's entire platform is change. Green is the future of economics ask any DECA student and they will tell you, green jobs are the next big market, Obama has expressed that this will be an area of focus in his economic rebuilding.

yours truly V