Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Text Message Poll for April 29th


Happy Gilmore said...

I don't know how someone can give Obama an A. He hasn't done anthing yet! Another question, what rating would Bush get? I would give him a B simply because his economic plan was horrible. His military plan was working fine, but this would give him an overall C. However, public scrutiny made his job just that much more difficult which bumps his grade to a B.

Paviche said...

I really don't see how you could give Bush a B. Sure, he did an okay job with the military, but his economic plan sucked, and the only reason he had public scrutiny was because he was doing such a bad job! He deserves a C- for effort.
President Obama is doing something. He's trying to re-stimulate our economy and I think that he's doing a pretty good job at it. In his first 100 days, he's already better than Bush with his economy plan. He may not deserve an A, but his grade should be at least better then a C.

ace1453 said...

HEY. I wouldn't give him an 'F' necessarily because he hasn't had a complete chance to improve things or totally screw them up either....the potential for both is there. I would give him a 'D' simply because I am not in favor of some of his plans for the future and also, like Happy Gilmore said, he hasn't done anything yet.

Sidewalk Chalk said...

Well...he is trying too much too fast. He needs to chill out and think about decisions longer.. because he has passed all of these random things...that have not been beneficial to like...anything..

sooo I would give him like.. a D.. he gets like 1 point for trying.

reagan 08 said...

Obama is one of those save the world in one day liberals who, just like President Carter did, will spread himself too thin and focus on too many issues to solve anything pressing. Honestly, what place do issues like the BCS have in government?