Thursday, March 13, 2008

Bill Maher on the 'Stupid' Drug War: Part 2 of 3

Okay students here is some perspective for you on the drug war. You don't have to agree or disagree, but this is some of the interesting discussions about the Drug War and it's link or as Rahter calls it the nexxus with terror.


Anonymous said...

This is interesting that the drug war has interfered with the war on terror. Our first responsibility as a country is to protect the people in our own country and if that means protecting them from themselves that is what we need to do. If that means protecting it from other countries who might be deal us these drugs so that we have the means to harm our own country then we have to do something about it. That is our first responsibility. Drugs should in no way become legal because that would create big time problems. There is a reason why there is a speed limit and why teenagers can not have alcohol and why you are not supposed to drink and drive. Anybody can get around any rule but does it help contain it? Absolutely because if a person chooses to get around the rule then there are consequences and consequences do make a person think twice about making a bad decision. If there was no law about this, on the other hand, then there couldn't be consequences because there would be nothing wrong with it according to the law.

Anonymous said...

I can see where he's coming from when he says that a person can abuse themselves. Just as this country was based on the idea that everyone is free to do what they want, as long as it does not hurt anyone else. That is the definition of freedom in this country. Yet I disagree with Jason Alexander because that is not true in this case dealing with drugs. Yes, doing drugs is a person's decision. Unfortunately that is not all that is affected. Families of users are also affected. Money is spent just so that the drug user can satisfy his/her craving. Domestic violence becomes more commonplace in homes. Isn't that what this country fights for? Proper homes for children. So instead, how about the American people try to think about others for once, rather than just themselves.

pumpkinpie said...

I like how that one guy said that if adults wanted to abuse themselves in their home, it's their business. Okay, but this isn't going to stay in the home. It's not like if drug use was legalized, everyone would be responsible with it and only use in safe situations. People would not only drive drunk, they'd start driving high. And it's not like only adults are going to use. Think how many teens use now. If drugs became legal, it would be no problem to just get them from some random adult. Kids wouldn't even have to look up a drug dealer to get access.

Anonymous said...

I agree with what reese's fan and pumpkinpie said that what supposedly stays in our house should be our business but is does not stay in our own houses. It affects our family and friends, even the people around us. I disagree with reese's definition of freedom. I think true freedom is the ability to do what is right. When we think freedom is the ability to do what ever we want then we become slaves to ourselves. It is the true that sets us free.

Anonymous said...

His perspective is an interesting one. I understand why he wouldn't mind if drugs were all legalized, because in his mind it really wouldn't have an effect on him or his life. I believe this is his logic.

But what if it does affect him? What happens when he is in the car crash with another vehicle being driven by a high adult? What if Jason was killed, but the other adult lives? Their bad decision is overflowing into another innocent persons life. I know this was basically already written about, but this is how life works. Our actions do impact others: directly and indirectly. Our governments job is to try their best to protect each individual.

Plus, with all the tabacco bans and fighting against smoking, does anyone seriously think legalizing drugs is likely? I'd hope not.

Anonymous said...

I think the discrprancy lies in how alcohol is legal at a certain age, but marijuana or w/e is not. Far more people die as a result of alcohol abuse than do users of marijuana. And have any of you seen a high person? i'll say that it's nowhere near as bad as a drunk one.