By Victor Davis Hanson
National Review Contributor
By now everyone sees what he wishes in Iraq — a disaster of many proportions, a necessary war that will still be won. Liberals who used to demand that we promote democracy abroad are fierce critics of Iraqi democracy; conservatives, who want an iron hand dealing with a hostile Middle East, support spending hundreds of billions of dollars in rebuilding Iraqi society.
So it will be left to historians, as has been true in the case of the far-more-costly Korean and Vietnam wars, to adjudicate the final verdict.
Meanwhile, the war in Iraq has entered yet another manifestation. The fickle American public and its media have switched and flipped on the war as much as they have on Hillary Clinton’s chances — in the last two months she’s been a shoo-in, a has-been, a comeback kid, a loser, and now a contender.
In late 2003, Iraq transmogrified suddenly, from an overwhelmingly popular and brilliant three-week war to remove a genocidal Saddam Hussein, into a bitterly divisive effort of four years to defeat an insurgency that threatened to topple the postwar elected government.
Now, despite the obligatory throat-clearing epithets used by journalists and politicians — “the worst,” “nightmare,” “disaster,” “fiasco,” “catastrophe,” “quagmire” — Iraq is beginning to be seen as something that just might work after all, as the violence subsides and a stable constitutional government hangs on.
Once promised to be the singular issue of the current presidential campaign, the war has receded to background noise of the primaries. An ascendant Barack Obama pounded home the fact that, unlike Senator Clinton, he never supported the removal of Saddam Hussein and always wanted to get Americans out of there as fast as he could; it may well prove that a more circumspect Obama soon won’t want to mention the war and, as hinted by aides, wouldn’t jerk the troops out should he be the next president.
Rarely in American history has a war been so often spun, praised, renounced, disowned, and finally neglected. And the result is that a number of questions remain not just unanswered, but unasked. We have not been hit since 9/11, despite the dire predictions from almost everyone of serial attacks to come. Today if a Marine recruitment center is bombed, we automatically assume the terrorist to represent a domestic anti-war group, not al-Qaeda — a perverse conjecture impossible to have imagined in autumn 2001.
In response to that calm, the communis opinio is that we hyped the threat, needlessly went to war, mortgaged the Constitution — just collate the rhetoric from the Obama and Clinton campaigns — when there was never much of a post-9/11 threat from a rag-tag bunch of jihadists in the first place.
What is never discussed is how many Islamists flocked to Iraq, determined to defeat the U.S. military — and never got out alive. Or, more bluntly, how many jihadists did the U.S. Army and Marines kill in Iraq rather than in Manhattan?
And what was the effect of that defeat not only on the jihadists, but also on those who were watching carefully to see whether the terrorists should be joined in victory or abandoned in defeat? Who really took his eye off the ball — the United States by going into Iraq, as alleged, or Osama bin Laden and his jihadist lieutenants by diverting thousands there to their deaths, as is never mentioned?
When the war started, contrary to the current rhetoric, Osama bin Laden was popular in the Middle East, and the tactic of suicide bombing had won a sizable following. But after the war was fought, and despite years of anti-American rhetoric, bin Laden has never polled lower while support for suicide murdering in the Muslim Middle East continues to decline.
In 2001, the Arab street apparently thought, for all the macabre nature of suicide bombing, that it at least had brought the United States to its knees and such a takedown was considered a good thing; in the latter reflection of 2007 and 2008, it worried that such a tactic brought the United States military to its region, and guaranteed the defeat of jihadists along with any who joined them.
Iraq, as no one ever imagined, ended up as a landscape in which the United States and al-Qaeda would battle for the hearts and minds of the Arab world on the world stage. And in Anbar Province, the jihadists are losing — losing militarily and losing the support of the local Sunni population. Again, whereas the conventional wisdom holds that we have radicalized an entire generation of young Muslims, it may turn out instead that we have convinced a generation that it is not wise after 9/11 to wage war against the United States. In any case, there is no other constitutional Arab government in the Middle East that actively hunts down and kills al-Qaeda terrorists.
When the insurgency took off in late 2003, Europe immediately triangulated against the United States, courted the Arab world, and hoped to deflect jihadists by loudly proclaiming they were vehemently against the war in Iraq. This is in itself was quite remarkable, since the entire recent expansion of the European Union to the south and east had been predicated only on a partnership agreement with the United States to extend NATO membership — alone ensuring these weak new European affiliates American military protection.
Irony abounds: Since 2003, Europe — not the United States — has experienced a series of attacks, and near-constant threats, ranging from bombed subways and rail stations to Islamic demands to censor cartoons, operas, films, and papal exegeses.
It is in Europe, not in post-Iraq Kansas, where a Turkish prime minister announces to Muslim expatriate residents that they must remain forever Turks and assimilation is a crime; it is in post-Iraq Europe, not Los Angeles, where politicians and churchmen talk of the inevitability of Sharia law; and it is in post-Iraq Europe, not the United States, where honor killings and Islamic rioting are common occurrences.
Why? A number of reasons, but despite all the misrepresentation and propaganda, the message has filtered through the Middle East that the United States will go after and punish jihadists — but also, alone of the Western nations, it will risk its own blood and treasure to work with Arab nations to find some alternative to the extremes of dictatorship and theocracy. Europe, in contrast to its utopian rhetoric, will trade with and profit from, but most surely never challenge, a Middle Eastern thug.
Iraq is purportedly a mess left to the next president. In fact, by January 2009 it may well be far less a strategic problem than was Saddam Hussein’s regime, the no-fly zones, Oil for Food, and the punishing UN embargoes. And the next president may well see a stabilized country in which periodic steady American withdrawals, not an insurgency, are the norm — and far fewer jihadists with far fewer supporters worldwide.
George Bush will be blamed for getting us into Iraq and staying there — he’s already seen some of the lowest poll ratings since Harry Truman or Richard Nixon. The next president will be praised for beginning to withdraw troops in 2009 on a schedule established in late 2008. After all, if a pundit’s column these days has a headline blaring “A Plan for a Way Out” or “Quagmire,” we automatically assume a way to unlock the Democratic primary mess, not leave Iraq. In the first ten days of March, before the most recent losses, there was one American combat fatality among 160,000 troops at war.
Iraqi was always an optional war, one that could either do great harm to our national interest and security or offer great advantage to the United States and the region, depending on its costs and the ultimate outcome. Between 2005 and 2006, public support for the war was mostly lost — trisection of the country and American withdrawal were considered our options. In 2008 there is instead a real chance that the original aims of the war — establishing a constitutional government, defeating terrorism militarily, and convincing the Arab population to reject terrorism — are at last possible.
It is the nature of this strange war that we know far more about who failed and what went wrong, far less about who succeeded and what went right. We believe that the dividends of the war — a constitutional government in Iraq and a stunning defeat of radical Islamic jihadists — happened by accident, while the 4,000 dead are the responsibility of our leaders, not the tenacity of the enemy or the costs of waging war in general. The more that the violence subsides and the costs wind down, the more Americans in a near recession will complain of the expense. The more the Iraqis finally begin to exercise responsible political power, the more Americans will lament there is no way to translate tactical victory into long-term strategic advantage.
Iraq, you see, long ago has become a mirror in which we all see only what we want.
I think that this article in its comparison of Europe and the United States ignores the general geographic differences and also the issues of immigration. Europe is separated from the Islamist nations by borders on a map. The United States has an ocean between us and any major Islamic nation.
Also, most of Europe's immigrants are Muslims who are culturally dissimilar in nearly every way immaginable. The United States on the other hand has immigrants who are largely Christian and, though the immigrants' native cultures might not seem similar, we share a common European background.
I think that we have done some good things in Iraq but sometimes the benefits do not become obvious until later. They say it takes 40 years to develop a democracy. We have been in Iraq for not even a fourth of that time. So forty years from not we might see more of what we have done. Who knows until then? I think the one thing that we can't do is not realize the progress we have made so far and then go backwards rather than progressing forward even if some think slowly. People always say that they never wanted us there but I think that we only hear about the people that do not want us there. Kind of like on the news, there are only the bad things. You never hear about the good stuff that is going on in the world. I think that we should stick with the war and although seven years might seem like a long time maybe it is too soon to judge whether we are making an impact.
All of our misconceptions of Iraq stems from the horrible job the media does portraying the events that occur there. Instead of "Today hundreds of Jihadists planning to attack American soil were killed" we hear, "two soldiers died, thanks to the no good president and his useless war".
The work we are accomplishing in Iraq is quite outstanding, and it has only continued to progress by keeping a presence there. Removing troops will only show weakness and leave us vulnerable for attack on our home soil. It is much better to take the war to the enemy, than fight it on the home fronts. Many lives are saved that way.
America will continue to look upon the war negatively because of its negative depiction in the media. If only they could look past this facade given by the media, the war in Iraq could finally be praised for all that it has accomplished.
Dorrs you misstate the problem almost entirely in your post. First, of all there is absolutely no evidence that there are "hundreds of Jihadists planning to attack American soil in Iraq." Yes, I know you are using hyperbole, but there is still no evidence that there is a sizable number of jihadists in Iraq saying, "once we remove the Americans from this country we will follow them over to America."
Also, is the media not inherently a check against the government? So many people seem to think that the media must agree with everything that the government says but this is just not true. It is only in despotic regimes that you will see the government given a blank pass to do whatever they want. So if you would like to live in a country where the media does an excellent job of showing how the military brilliantly fights off the forces threatening the country then I have a suggestion for you. Move to China.
The media doesn't have to completely agree, but it is possible that our military is doing a great job.(which they are) The media doesn't always have to be pessimistic. About the article though, now that the war in Iraq is going well I predict a huge rise in people who suddenly agree with the war. I wish I would have written down all of those nay-sayers and give them a big "I told you so" W Bush was a great president and now the world is seeing that.
I wasn't alive then, but from what I see about WWII the media was working alongside the government it seems. Propaganda back then was meant for supporting troops (which means also supporting their cause), and building American up not tearing it down. What has the media done to the government today? Made it the criminal, i.e. "Stop Loss." The media is there to check the government, yes, not to illegitimize it by giving the American people the impression that it is wrong! Who are American journalists to report on a war anyway? I believe what I hear strait from the source; and until I hear a soldier in the U.S. Army say that the war wasn't worth it I won't believe any of the left-wing bologna I am forced to hear on the news every night.
This article really shows what is happening in Iraq. All we hear from the media are all the bad things that are happening, and what politicans have to say about the war. It is no wonder that the
US public dislikes that war because of the media. If we were to hear about this kind of "good" news more often. I think more people would be in support of the war. I personally don't support the war but hearing this kind information clears things up. Things are actually getting done in Iraq that I would have never known about.
I don't think being an ocean away makes a difference when dealing with Islamic nations. The author of this article is a little bit too optimistic in my opinion. First off, the surge failed. If you're perplexed by that statement then listen up. Militarily it succeeded, for the moment. The purpose of the surge was to stabilize things so the Iraqi government could get their act together, which hasn't happend. Thus, it is a failure. It is also foolish of the author to refer to the terrorists as "rag-tag" That rag-tag bunch of jihadists hijacked commercial airliners and killed thousands in our own borders. Don't you think they have the skills and the pocket book? Osama Bin Laden was insanely wealthy. This war on terror isn't going to be over in a decade, its going to take a lot longer to win and Iraq is just a diversion. The terrorists know Iraq isn't the battlefield and so should we.
I don't believe that this article is too optimistic at all. It is too quick to say that the surge has failed. So far it has been working. Of course the Iraqi government wont show dramatic improvement in just the time that the surge has been going on. The point is that we are successfully suppressing terrorist activities and reducing violence in Iraq. A sign that security is attainable in Iraq. Since this war has started there have been no successful terrorist attacks in the US. If that is true then there must be some correlation between the ability of terrorists to carry out their attacks and our involvement in Iraq. Iraq is definitely the battlefield. The reason there has been so much resistance to our occupation is because we now have a foothold in their back yard. The middle east is one of the few places in the world obscure enough to harbor a complex terrorist network. If we have a democratic ally like Iraq in the middle east then the terrorists are going to fight to the death. It will take time but Iraq is not a diversion otherwise they would not go on an all out war against our occupation. So far, their plan to discourage us from continuing the war has been working well until the surge. The last thing they need now is another attack to make us mad again. After all, it was the first one that started all this.
I just watched on the news an escalation of violence in Iraq and the most US fatalies in 6 months. The terrorists are smart, they are just wearing us down in Iraq, and most of the people we are fighting in Iraq are pissed off Iraqis not so much the real terrorists,though there are some there too. We handled the invasion badly and alot of Iraqis are pissed off. The fact that there hasn't been an attack on US soil says nothing. How about the attacks in Britian and the rest of Europe post 9/11? They are trying to cut off our support so we are alone. All they have to do is for us to do is wreck our military in Iraq and run up a huge defict, not that it isn't high already. Not to mention the sunni shiite civil war, going back to the surge. Before us Saddam controlled the region with a strong arm, it may have been cruel but it suppressed all out civil war, and your right, setting up the gov't will take time but their lazy attitude about it pisses me off. Remember the summer vacation the Iraqi gov't took off right in the beginning of the surge?
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