Monday, September 24, 2007



coca-cola said...

Mrs. Clinton has a very good point that diplomatic means have not been used very much and that our military cannot stop sectarian violence in Iraq. She seems to ignore two important points, though. First, the lack of another attack in six years must mean we have had some success. Second, how does she plan to deal with Iran if we pull out when Iraq is still unstable? Iran has already stated that they would come into Iraq and "help" stabalize Iraq which would probably be a takeover of the country. Immediate pullout is what Iran wants.

Jenn said...

I dont understand how she can say that we need to pull out entirely and leave the people to fend for themselves and still expect things from Iraq's governmet when all the kninks are still being worked out of it, we need to be there. we broke it, now we gotta buy it!

Reese's Fan said...

To what I understand, I agree with Clinton. She makes a good point that the troops have done what they were supposed to and it does not seem like military is getting the results we need. We do owe it to our troops to pull them out because it would be disrespect to them to have them going down the path of loss of life and little positive results.

abnstrike said...

I don't think Iran wants us to leave so they can take over in Iraq because then they would have to deal with the mess. Clinton also never did answer Russert's last question. How about admitting you were wrong to vote for the war in Iraq instead of blaming everything on Bush. coca-cola, just because there hasn't been an attack in six years doesn't mean the terrorists aren't capable.

Anonymous said...

this reporter keeps bringing up quotes that senetor clinton has said in past years like 05,06,02
he kept saying that in those years she was for funding and for the war itself.
and now she totaly has changed her
mind about the war.
we should admire her for having the
courage to admit that she has changed her mind about the war which is just a dead end with no victory only more and more deaths.
not like bush which after many year at war still dosent admit that he was worng and this war is just killing our

Anonymous said...

So this video is basically saying that as a politician you CAN "change your mind" as much as you want on important issues but still be taken seriously? WOW, with that thought, Hilary really IS the best candidate for president isn't she? Just like John Kerry!

P.S. I was blogging in a completely sarcastic way.