Thursday, September 6, 2007

Paul vs. Huckabee on the surge.


Casper said...

ok wow what a heated debate both candidates make great great points.... Huckabee was right on with Honor..... Senator Mccain knows more about honor than any human being could even fathom!

Yet, Mr. Paul makes a point saying that we are trying to save face but i think that he is just trying to save his face in the polls!!! He is trying to get himself votes saying that he will pull troops out if elected...
Americans are getting scared because of all the deaths and their loved ones being deployed but we went into this head first as AMERICANS fighting for our county and we will come out of it stronger americans!

Mr. Huckabee hit it right on the money saying that we can't leave until honor is restored. Also, that we are "One Nation Under God" if government made the decision to go to war and as Americans we went full force head on with them and we should stay with them until the fighting end.

We may be losing many soldiers over there but their job is to fight for their country and if they die for their Country they die a hero and what more can we say to that!!!

scooby-doo said...

First off Mike Huckabee is absolutely right we have a committment to finish what we started. And he's also right in saying that we can't waste time debating if we should have gone to iraq or not, here's a reality check people WE'RE THERE!!, by arguing that point we're not going to change anything. We need to concentrate on the now, not the past. And no, we can't just leave, yeah we've lost 5,000 people.... so we're going to quit after they made the ultimate sacrifice for their country???!? Thats could be the worst thing i've ever heard

Anonymous said...

We are living in a day and age where ideals such as "honor" and "integrity" are laughed upon. Take a look around you and ask yourself how honorable our country is right now and how honorable it would be if Mr. Paul was the president. And reiterating what scooby said, we are there, and if we don't stay there how responsible would we seem to the rest of the world? This war is our doing so we should be responsible and see it through.

Anonymous said...

It's funny to me that Huckbee uses a metaphor comparing the war in Iraq to a "you break it you buy it" statement. This is ironic because when you are a child shopping with your mom (who, by the way, are well regarded in America) you don't have any of your OWN money to pay for accidentally broken items. So he is basically saying that we "broke" Iraq and now have to fix it with something that we don't have, which I don't think he meant to say.

coca-cola said...

Governor Huckabee gives a good emotional argument based on honor but both he and Mr. Paul miss some major points. First, we went into Iraq based on inaccurate intelligence estimates and Congress was largely united at that time. Even Hillary Clinton was a strong supporter at that time. Next, the reason to stay isn't honor and the reason to leave isn't because people have died. We simply have to make that decision based on what is needed to have stability and peace in the Middle East and what protects the people of the U.S. from terrorist attacks.