U.S.-Iraqi relations have been strained since the 1991 Gulf War when the United States led the UN coalition to drive Iraqi troops from Kuwait. While previous administrations used economic sanctions and no-fly zones to attempt to contain Saddam Hussein, President George W. Bush pursued a more aggressive approach. Although President Bush lobbied for international support for a military campaign to oust Hussein, he also stated that the U.S. was willing to act unilaterally in a preemptive strike against Iraq. He declared that action was necessary to prevent Hussein from acquiring weapons of mass destruction or providing terrorists with such weapons to use against the U.S. or its allies. After diplomacy failed, the United States and a “coalition of the willing” unilaterally invaded Iraq in 2003 to impose regime change. A quick successful military campaign ousted Hussein and his regime from power, but found no evidence of an active WMD program. The military campaign severely damaged the Iraqi infrastructure, and a power vacuum ensued when the old regime collapsed. Instability wracked the country in the form of car bombings, kidnappings and tensions between the Kurds, Shiites and Sunnis. In June 2004, the U.S. coalition transferred authority back to the Iraqi people. While Iraqis now control all government agencies, U.S. and coalition forces remain in Iraq to assist the interim government in stabilizing the country. Insurgents carry out terrorist attacks against the U.S. forces almost daily and contribute to the sectarian tensions that threaten to plunge Iraq into civil war. Meanwhile the American people have grown weary of President Bush’s plan to “stay the course,” and they have called for the troops to come home. President Bush announced a plan to begin withdrawing troops from Iraq, but many military strategists say troops will probably remain in the country for at least the next few years.
Proponents of the war in Iraq point to the threat posed by Saddam Hussein developing or possessing weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) when defending the invasion of Iraq. In the article It's Their Country: A Conversation with Kanan Makiya, the author conducts an interview with Makiya, an Iraqi exile and supporter of the George W. Bush administration’s decision to oust Hussein. The author of The Threat Saddam Posed argues that just because no weapons of mass destruction were found in Iraq does not mean Hussein did not pose a threat. He claims that Hussein had the means to restart his WMD program. Some military analysts say the United States has a moral obligation to finish the job it started in Iraq. In Moral Stakes of Exiting Iraq, some argue that withdrawing the troops now would do more harm than good.
Opponents of the war in Iraq note that no weapons of mass destruction were found in Iraq—a key point in the George W. Bush administration’s case for war. They also criticize the president’s decision to escalate the number of troops in Iraq. The former national security adviser to President Carter says the troop escalation is futile in Brzezinski on Bush Escalation: The President is Detached from Reality. In the article Why I Refused to Go Back to Iraq, Camilo Mejia—a former U.S. soldier—calls the U.S. presence in Iraq “a deceitful and illegitimate occupation." Mejia served time in an Army jail for refusing to return to his National Guard unit. The author of Intelligence, Policy, and the War in Iraq, a former CIA officer, argues that the Bush Administration used pre-war intelligence to justify a decision it had already made, instead of using the intelligence to guide its decision making.
I think the Iraqi War is becoming a mute point in our country. The fact is we have made considerable progress in turning Iraq into a Middle Eastern ally. And to pull out would negate all that our soldiers have bled for. The surge greatly helped to provide stability in Iraq. Citizens of Iraq are going back to the markets and the parks because now they don't have to worry about a car bombings.the people who say it's an impossible war haven't
taken the time to see that Petreaus* and his troops have done the "impossible" in Iraq. Who ever said war is easy. McCain 08'
Although interest was declining long for this war (I’d call it more of an operation), I still favor troops staying in Iraq. Yes we sort of destroyed the Iraqi infrastructure, but we built a much sturdier government, a democracy with our aid. Now people can go to the polls and vote where if they had tried that before either the election was rigged or they would be shot. Of course though there is always a downside to things. Most Middle Eastern countries hold terrorist organizations... So President Bush's preemptive strike method would lead us into attacking the rest of the Middle East, which is not a good thing. We have to draw the line somewhere.
I couldn't agree more with pepe about the progress that we have made in Iraq. I don't agree with his statement about the citizens going back to the markets and parks. Although substantial progress has been made in ensuring the security of Iraq it is still a war zone and the only way to ever make it totally safe is if we keep our troops there long enough to train the Iraqi security forces. McCain '08
I think that your argument is very thought provoking and I disagree with anyone that assumes that there is a connection between Iraq and the 9/11 attacks. There have been many reports published that show that there is no connection between Iraq and 9/11. The most important report, published by the United States government, is the 9/11 commission report (www.9-11commission.gov/ - 8k). The report shows that there are no connection between Saddam and Al Qaeda which means that there is no connection between Iraq and 9/11. I also have to disagree with your assumption that America is the world police. It is not the job of America to police the world. America has no right getting involved in international matters and trying to take on the world like some police force. The UN is the world police and America has no right to try to take the job of world police as if they are the UN. America should not try to get involved with other nation's affairs and pay closer attention to want is happening to America itself. The UN was created to so that no one nation had to police the world and this why America should follow UN regulations. The war in Iraq is unjust and unnecessary because there is no connection between Iraq and 9/11, and because America is not the world's police.
mr.g is right, were not the "world police", but everything that everybody else does affects us in some way. there is not really any war between 2 nations. you can say that were rebuilding their governmet that we destroyed, but its like kicking over a little kids sand castle. hes not going to want your help rebuilding it. some things though we have to get involved in. you can be a bystandard during a fight, and still get in trouble for not stopping the fight. war is a touchy situation, and you need to learn when to passivly help, and when to fight.
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