Monday, November 24, 2008

21st Century Piracy

Often in an attempt to maintain international relationships and promote a positive persona our country ignores the inhuman events in the name of humanity.  This may sound like a paradox, and it most likely is, but the issue here lies in what other country’s see us as.  Among the recent slew of market crashes, historic elections and increasing tensions among world powers some of the less significant issues can be left unattended.  One of such is the significant increase in Somali piracy.   The country no longer is able to maintain an organized government and has fallen into a state of anarchy.  Social gangs begin to form in the name of survival and personal gain.  In the past few months Somali pirates have claimed 35 vessels in a series of 120 attacks, Including in a Russian Freighter carrying advanced small arms weaponry and several T-72 tanks.  The only way to prevent further attacks is to make it known that such actions will not be tolerated.  The current methods of deterrence have been limited to unorganized military patrols by several country’s with little jurisdiction on their ability to defer attacks.  This is becoming a more serious issue and requires cooperation.  In order to prevent the loss of life of innocent merchants the United States must work with the other powers to secure the waters around Somali.  We need to become more aggressive and begin confiscating the weapons caches accumulated by pirating groups and to take treat them as any other terroristic organization.  If we continue to be pacifists we will only be saving the lives of criminals and allowing the innocent to perish.


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