Monday, November 2, 2009

Energy Independence

The United States' dependence on foreign oil needs to be stopped. Oil dependence has spawned three wars and costs billions of dollars and American lives. New american technology has found new sources through Synthetic Fuel, Electricity, Conservation, Hydrocarbons, and Nuclear Energy. This problem cannot be tackled by the people themselves. The government needs to take the severity of American dependence on foreign oil seriously. They must begin to reform and obliterate the problem all together.

The United States' dependence on foreign oil needs to be stopped. Oil dependence has spawned three wars and costs billions of dollars and American lives. New american technology has found new sources through Synthetic Fuel, Electricity, Conservation, Hydrocarbons, and Nuclear Energy. This problem cannot be tackled by the people themselves. The government needs to take the severity of American dependence on foreign oil seriously. They must begin to reform and obliterate the problem all together.

The foreign oil crisis began in 1973 with the Arabian oil embargo. This caused extreme gasoline shortages and lines at gas stations by interrupting the flow of oil. This was the first sign of the price Americans would pay for their dependence on foreign oil. The Persian Gulf War was a military intervention to stop a single dictator from taking control of foreign oil. America since has been at war with Afghanistan and Iraq.

For some, energy independence means security from the oil producing states that use their reserves as a political weapon. No end to America's dependence is a threat to national security. The United States depends on oil from countries with immense governmental corruption and in many cases, a dictatorial government. It seems that America is supporting both sides of the war on terrorism. While American troops are being sent over seas, every time someone fills up their car they are sending money right into the hands of the opposing side. In countries where independence is not a security issue, such as Canada and Mexico, there is no reason to end oil imports. The United States should continue to support the oil from countries other than those of the Middle East.

New sources include biodiesel, alcohols, electricity, hydrogen, and much more. Even though they are not dangerous, these forms of energy are extremely costly. The United States government needs to step in and help regulate these prices. This can be done through new funding for companies creating these alternative sources, and giving rebates to citizens who choose to use them. Although switching a country's energy source completely from oil dependent to some alternative source will be costly, the alternative has, and will continue to, cost much more. America uses 20,680,000 barrels of oil everyday, the largest imports in the world.

Energy independence does not mean closed borders or economic isolation from all countries. Energy independence can be achieved by creating affordable and abundant amounts of alternative energy sources. Attacking this problem now is not just a goal but also a responsibility of the United States as a world power. The United States government needs to step in and pass bills to regulate fossil fuel use, and support the creating and using of alternative forms of energy. To not change America's addiction on foreign oil is to support terrorists, lower the economy, and to put the United States national security at stake. American technology has landed vehicles on other planets, cured numerous diseases, and put a man on the moon. With the help and determination of the government, it does not seem inconceivable to believe scientists and engineers could create a safe alternative energy that would free America from its dependence on oil.

~bon qui qui~

~bon qui qui~

1 comment:

MachV said...

Even though the effect burning fossil fuels has on global warming is debated, there is no way that people can ignore the effects fossil fuels have on our society and economy. For example, when fuel prices went up last year and the year before, I guarantee you that everyone paid a significant sum to fill up their vehicles and that nearly everyone changed how often they drove their car because the couldn't afford it. I, for one, am extremely in favor of developing alternatives to fossil fuels and would like to see this and other environmental issues getting more exposure in Washington.