We must always remember
Terror attacks were an act of war, not simply a tragedy to be mourned
Tuesday, September 11th 2007, 4:00 AM
Six years ago, I turned on my television and saw the sickening image of an airplane flying directly into the south tower of the World Trade Center. I did not know that at precisely that moment, somewhere in the skies over the Ohio-Kentucky border, my brother was fighting for his life in the cockpit of his commercial airliner. It would be another 35 minutes before his plane crashed into the Pentagon's west side.
Though the term "9/11 family member" had not yet become part of the Sept. 11 lexicon, my first thought upon seeing the plane turn and slam into the World Trade Center was of the pilots in the flight deck and the added sorrow that their families would have to live with for the rest of their lives, seeing this video.
Until I was notified of my brother's fate, I was no different from everyone else that morning, horrified and overwhelmed by the shocking scene unfolding in lower Manhattan. After learning that people were jumping from the towers, I believe I began to depersonalize what I was seeing.
The human psyche can absorb only so much. Anyone who had been inside the World Trade Center towers or seen them upclose knew that jumping from that height was like leaping from the clouds. The day was only beginning.
A recent newspaper article suggested that the 9/11 commemoration "decibel level" should be "scaled back." Mourning the dead too loud and too long impinges on the living, the article said. Life goes on. I wouldn't disagree. But it is extremely important to distinguish between public mourning and public remembering; otherwise, the phrase that was as ubiquitous as the American flag six years ago, "Never Forget," and invoked with tearful or angry rectitude, is rendered hollow. We all meant it, whether the cause was revenge, retribution or simple recognition of our common humanity.
None of us wants this to happen again, but as time goes by, why can't we all agree, as we did then, about what took place that day?
There is a disturbing phenomenon creeping into the public debate about all things 9/11. Increasingly, Sept. 11 is compared to hurricanes, bridge collapses and other mechanical disasters or criminal acts that result in loss of life, with "body count" being the primary factor that keeps it in the top spot of "worst in the nation's history."
Misremembering is as dangerous as forgetting. If we must know one thing, it is that the Sept. 11 attacks were neither a natural disaster, nor the unfortunate result of human error. 9/11 wasn't the catastrophic equivalent of a 3,000-car pileup.
The attacks were not a random actof violence or insanity. They were a deliberate and brutal act ofwar committed by religious fanatics engaged in Islamic jihad against the United States, all non-Muslim people and any Muslim who wishes to live in a secular society. Worse, the people who perpetrated the attacks have explicitly told us that they are not done.
Sept. 11 is a date that comes and goes once a year, but "9/11" is with us every day. The body count keeps rising - Bali, Riyadh, Istanbul, Madrid, Beslan, London, Amman.
We now clearly know that the 1993 World Trade Center bombing was part of the holy war against America. When we previously dismissed this as a random attack by crazy men and declared ourselves lucky that "only six lives were lost," we effectively disarmed ourselves. Eight years later, six became 3,000. While the comparison to other "tragedies" may help us cope with what has befallen us, we must resist being glib and intellectually careless.
Our fellow human beings were not "lost" in 1993 or on 9/11. They were torn to pieces. We must not give the enemy any quarter. We must confront the reality of their acts.
We must refuse to be fooled by their propaganda, which is meant to appeal to our own moral vanity - the belief that we can appease them by responding to their outrageous demands for accommodation, their open threats and their hateful rhetoric with even more forbearance.
Several months after the Sept. 11 attacks, I was asked to look through a thick, three-ring binder put together by the FBI, a catalogue of objects - photographed and numbered - that were the unclaimed personal effects of the 184 victims who perished at the Pentagon. They included things such as buttons, uniform insignia, house and car keys, wedding rings, shoes, personalized coffee mugs and, saddest of all, a miniature, hot-pink luggage tag with a flowery design meant for a little girl's travel bag.
These mundane objects, the commonplace detritus of lives cut short, were deeply moving to see, perhaps because they were not some grand eulogy or noble tribute, but simple reminders of the fact that people like you and me went to work or boarded those planes on that lovely Tuesday morning, never dreaming that this was the last clear blue sky they would ever see.
Perhaps it is human instinct to turn away from suffering that goes on too long. We should celebrate life rather than wallow in grief. But we should vigilantly guard against self-delusion and denial as a means of coping with the terrible reality that we all lived through six years ago. There was a reason that we felt unified then.
The horror of what we experienced, individually and together, stripped away all the things that divide us today. We clung to each other, forgave each other, and were kind to each other, knowing that, in the end, we would only persevere together. Today of all days, that is something we should never forget.
Burlingame is the sister of Capt. Charles F. (Chic) Burlingame 3rd, pilot of American Airlines Flight 77, which crashed into the Pentagon on 9/11.
I sort of disagree with what Burlingame is saying here. I view 9/11 less of a war begin waged on us and more of a political/religious statement. The hijackers of those planes strongly disagreed with our political and i think also think our religious differences. To sort of say this plainly, I think they agree that actions speak louder than words.
I have to agree. Even if they are religious fanatics who may not be right in the head. I don't think that even they are crazy enough to go to war with the U.S. We are one of the most powerful nations in the world after all. In a way their actions just kind of woke us up out of our little sheltered lives. USA! USA! USA!
"I don't thing that even they are crazy enough to go to war with the U.S." The sheer ridiculousness of this statement is stunning. What do you call the killing of three thousand human beings? If there is any more obvious declaration of war i'm not entirely sure what it is. And not only did they start this war these islamic jihadists are currently fighting us in both Afghanistan and Iraq. This is exactly what Ms. Burlingame was talking about in her article. If we forget that we have been attacked and simply resort to such mindless things as chanting "USA" to help us forget about it we are leaving ourselves open to being attacked again.
I cant believe that i'm hearing this !!! Not an act of war?? How can you even say that? "I don't think that even they are crazy enough to go to war with the U.S." They may have some up political/religious views that are a out there, but they're not stupid, they knew that by killing 3,000 innocent people we were'nt just going to sit there and do nothing. this was an act of war plain and simple, and yeah it woke us up but, lets not make it sound like a good thing k, lets be respectful and remember that 3,000 people had to die for us to "wake up" Not trying to be mean just saying that that last sentence, "the don", was a little disrespectful.
Ok, so what are we going to do about it now? I'm not going to argue if this was an act of war or not, cuz we kind of ARE at war...but you guys keep calling 9/11 a wake up. So how are we waking up? What are we (you and I specifically) doing to make sure that nothing like this happens again? The terrorists don't like us because we're selfish and immoral and whatever else...so how are we going to make them change their minds?
"so how are we going to make them change their minds?" Why make them change their minds? We don't need to! They don't really have the morals of a saint now do they? Killing 3000+ people just because they think we are immoral, doesnt make it a religious statement. Everyone is immoral in some way or another, that doesn't mean it's right for a group of people to become vigilantes and decide that another group of people need to be eliminated.
I think there will always be people who resent our country and our freedom. I think the best thing to do is to protect our neighbors and our country. I don't think you can change these religious fanatics' minds. And going to war with them certainly isn't going to change their stand on the issue.
UGGGH. well i had a very nice comment but the sign in thing was messed up so here it is summed up...she isnt debating whether 9/11 was an act of war or an action by religious fanatics, etc. She was stating that the people that had their lives taken were ordinary people who woke up that morning thinking that it was just another ordinary day. She is expressing that we should live our days appreciating each moment til the end. I believe it was strong of her to state that she is not in mourning but in remembrance of the people killed.
I encourage everyone to watch this video:
This was the last call this man ever had the chance to make.
I initially decided not to comment on this article because I had nothing particularly argumentative to say. That was until Osama released his newest video [not the one set to be released today]. What is his rationale for wanting American's to switch to Islam? Switch to Islam and you too can help murder thousands of helpless individuals? Has this guy never heard of mission trips?
I understand that most muslim's do not take their religion to quite this extreme but why do these people not lash out against the radicals? Why? Because Osama Bin Laden is the greatest leader in my own lifetime [no, im not pro-terrorism, it's just the truth] Any man who can convince his followers to protect his life despite a $10 million bounty for him amazes me.
And for anyone to criticize the current war is an absolute travesty. It is disrespectful to our troops as well as all the victims of the 9/11 attacks.
Sure, we're no longer taking the fight straight to Osama but he know's we are there and that is all that is important. He is merely a figurehead for a tyrannical organization.
I'll leave you with a quote from my man Operaman [Adam Sandler] at The Concert for New York following the 9/11 attacks:
Oh Mr. Bin Laden
Why-ah he so angry
Just look-sh at him
Six-ah foot six
And he no can touch the rim
He no let women read
He no let women vote-ah
That's why the only love he gets
Is from a mountain goat-ah
He wants to spread disease-oh
In our own mail box
For he himself suffers
From a case of small pocks
Osama kiss my
Osama bite my
Osama go to
Osama get a shrink
Osama says hes tough
Osama says hes brave
Then tell me why Osama
Is ******** in a cave!!!!
^I hope that falls within the boundary of acceptability haha.
problem is that we're dealing with idealist, people who will do anything to further their cause blind to any danger, and these type of people are dangerously sure of themselves. We must take care not to get cocky and to not forget the mistakes of the past.
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