Thursday, October 4, 2007

Pt.3 Women in Combat: Two Opposing Views


abnstrike said...

I think that both people speaking had pretty poor examples for their argument. The woman's reasoning was not being able to carry a male. That is extremely stupid. Some males are skinny, some females are big, it has nothing to do with weight. I think as a society we aren't ready to put women in the combat branches.

Reese's Fan said...

I think if women want an equal part of politics, then they should be subjected to the same circumstances of men. Sure, it is wrong that the so called person should die in combat but that is what happens in an equal society.

Kayla Powell said...

I disagree with the woman, saying that they shouldn't be able to be in combat because they won’t be able to carry a man. That's so stupid; I know that there are women who can carry men.

And if women want to be equal with men, then let them, put them in combat, see if that's what they really want. If it is then you go girls, if not, then maybe you should be careful in what you ask for.