Wednesday, October 3, 2007

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas - Affirmative Action and Individualism


abnstrike said...

Thomas is a great success story for the black community today who still think the endless cycle of poverty can never be broken. He being a black man in the time of Martin Luther King being able to make something of himself shows a lot about what the human spirit can do to overcome. If black people think they are being oppressed now what do they think it was for him back then?!

Anonymous said...

I think he's right about black people having to do it themselves. But i also think that affirmative action was needed to a certain extent, because the racists and bigots that we have in our country. But the thing about Justice Thomas is that he is was one of the brightest in everything he did. Black or white. So what about all the others in that time that were just average??

Anonymous said...

He is one of many success stories. In fact, Colin Powell was raised in the ghetto. Just goes to show that no matter how bad you have it is always possible to be great. Affirmitive action is a joke. It goes against everything that the civil rights act stated. It is not equal if a minority gets a job before a white person based only on numbers not skill.

Anonymous said...

This interview really showed that anyone can be successful if they want it badly enough. No matter what race you are or where you come from, college is hard. Getting and keeping a good job is hard. That's just how it is, life can be hard. But if the drive to succeed is really in someone, nothing will get in their way, even if they started out with the disadvantage. Where you come from is not as important as where you're going.

Anonymous said...

Justice Thomas says a lot of important things in this interview. It is said in there will everyone ever truly be looked at on the same level and be equal in everyone's eyes? The answer to that is very iffy, some believe not and some believe it will happen. For him to look at his degree at Yale as 15 cents and for other people to look at his degree as that to is a horrible thing, he put in just as much hard work as any other Yale student that earned a degree that year. He should be able to be proud of that degree. Those jobs he was trying to get after graduating lost out on a very successful and good man. I bet those employers feel like they made a mistake now.

Anonymous said...

I'm proud of Justice Thomas and all of his stuggles he overcame to get to where he is now.

What if? said...

Clarence Thomas is a great man and the fact that his skin is white or black should have no effect upon this. Men like this serving our country make me proud to be an American.

Anonymous said...

Justice Thomas is a great American. He had to endure many things in his life and he made it through all of them. He could have just cashed it in and not cared about the direction of his life. His own intuition and the encouragement of his grandfater led him to great things. Justice Thomas is a great American and his story makes me proud to be an American!

Unknown said...

Wow! I can't even imagine how hard that would have been. Our world has made drastic measures on racism. However we do live in Papillion. I'm sure in other parts of the country they still struggle but when I see a black person I don't think any differently at all because they're black and I cant imagine looking down on a person because they're black.

coca-cola said...

It's nice to see a leader in this type of community who realizes that times have changed and that there is way more opportunity for everyone than there used to be, as opposed to many other leaders who act as if we're still living in the 1960's. Today, if a black person is living in poverty, it is most likely not because they're black, it's probably a result of their own decisions.

Anonymous said...

I agree with evanalmighty. I believe affirmative action was needed in the days of great discrimination towards minorities, but I also do believe that affirmative action will be stopped in later years when it only hurts businesses. Hopefully, in those later years, our country will grow to be less discimitive and realize that it is not the color of skin, but the qualities that determine who a person really is.

Anonymous said...

To see a black who grew up in this time of abuse, it is great to see that he had positive people such as his Grandfather rooting for him his faith and his ambition kept him going it is great to see someone come from something so horrible and make something of himself in this society!!!

Kayla Powell said...

Justice Thomas makes me proud to be Black. Growing up in poverty, segregation, and still making it gives me hope for my race. And I think he's right, Black people should be more self-reliant, and should try, like Arnold said, "Pull themselves up by there own bootstraps." even if they don't have boots, we have all the materials to make them, it's all depends on if you are willing to do what it takes to get it.