Sunday, May 11, 2008

CNN - What If Barack Breaks Out?

Who will you support between Obama and McCain and why? Of course, Hillary may have something to say about this.


Anonymous said...

My support is definitely leaning towards McCain at the moment. It mainly comes down to the candidate's stances on the war and the economy. The disastrous consequences that would surely ensue after drawing out of Iraq are certainly frightening. We think the fighting is bad now, just wait till all the religious groups don't have a common enemy and go back to killing each other. Eventually this will carry over into strong hatred for the U.S. and events such as 9/11 could very likely happen again.

In terms of economy, the principles of welfare are what scare me. We are giving the laziest of people money to simply be lazy some more. Money that we go to work every week for is given to these people receiving checks in the mail for free. America is already growing into one of the laziest societies in the world. It does not need to be made even worse. We can not even think for ourselves whether a cup of coffee from McDonald's or smoking might harm, and turn to suing, because we are too lazy to do anything ourselves.

Anonymous said...

I would have to go with Obama at this point in the race. I have two problems with dorris's argument. The first is the fact that McCain wants us to stay in the war for so long. This war is expensive, very expensive, but for some reason you are able to say you'd rather be spending tax money on the war in Iraq rather than on people in your own country with welfare.
The second thing is that saying people with welfare are lazy is extremely ignorant. While yes there are some, saying all of them are is completely untrue. Some of the hardest working people I know need a little extra to get by, not because they were lazy, but because of circumstances they've been put in and have had to deal with.

Beef Sandwich said...

Don't get me wrong, both candidates are good men, but how is it that a 72 year old man is going to know anything about what I, a young seedling in the earth of life, want. Sure he has a wife who he's got 18 years on, but that still doesn't mean he's knows anything about my wants. It even goes to his wife, and her face lift, but just because she may seem a bit younger, does not mean she knows anything about my wants and needs.

I mean, Dorris said it in's?... blog. "We think the fighting is bad now, just wait till all the religious groups don't have a common enemy.... this will carry over into strong hatred for the U.S.... 9/11 could very likely happen again." Well then why are we still there? If we don't back out now, they will just hate us more! And then, it will hit us again. And that is NOT what I, or any other true American wants.

Anonymous said...

I'm Obama all the way. I think many people side with him 1-because they don't like Clinton and would rather see anyone else in office besides her or because, 2-he is extremely charismatic and appeals to a younger audience. Before researching his beliefs and plans for the future, I was in that category. But i found out that I have coinciding beliefs and agree with his views on some of the things happening in America. While I am a huge supporter of our military, I think some of our effort in Iraq have been in vain. They don't want us there, so we should get out. If they want democracy badly enough, they will find a way to come to America. The way the Middle East has been living has been that way for thousands of years, revolution and violence is just a part of their history. They work things out their own way, just like we work things out our own way.
Another stance Obama is supporting is seperation of church and state. Even though he is a Christian, he knows there is no place for religion in government.
I agree with beef sandwhich, Obama has the future Americans vote and thats important-where will those baby boomers be when McCain's policies affect America? They will probably be on some golf course, retired in Florida. The next generation of working class people will be affected most by McCain's policies on the war in Iraq. So, go Obama!

Anonymous said...

Many people completely misunderstand McCain when he says We'll be "Staying in Iraq" or "We'll be there for 100 years".

This does not mean warfare or armed conflict. This means probably as a military outpost that helps hold things together.

We will have a military presence there in the same manner we have one in Japan, Germany, and etc.


Your talk of stress on the economy (due to warfare) would make much more sense if your candidate wasn't backing a illogical economic policy. Obama is a socialistic redistributionist, and if history is any indicator: This has never worked.

"Robin Hood" economic policies typically fall flat on their face, and only look "fair" and "Good" on paper, ergo drawing voter support from the uneducated masses.

You can call Liberalism what you will- but you'll be hard pressed denying it's socialistic roots and Marxism influences.

Finally: Articulate, in detail, any of Mr. Obama's plans or policies for when he runs as president. Aside from the 6-10month window for "Pulling out of Iraq" and Oil policies (a whole other argument) he's been very vague.

The world is a savage place. Being nice to others does not make them nice to you in turn. Especially when dealing with religious fundemenatlism which is hellbent on your destruction. Gunboat policy, who has the "Bigger stick", these things work.


Because force is universally understood. Human nature is not what Marx thinks it is. Freudian logic only goes so far.

A bloated welfare state, taxing the rich, pulling out of Iraq (and possibly letting the middle east degrade into a Saudi and Iran backed Shia vs. Sunni war over Iraq) is not what I'd call "Wise".

Isolationism cannot be embraced at this point. History proved this to us, violently, with WWII.

If history teaches us anything it's that people never learn from history.

Anonymous said...

I am for McCain. I agree with his policies. He is a retired war vet so I feel safe with his foreign policies. The most important thing that swings me to him is that he is a winner and will only accept victory in Iraq.

If we pull out, we surrender to Islamic extremists. This is a huge morale boost considering the fact they are not a super power and we are number one.

Obama says he wants to pull out. But I do not understand why he would want to lose to terrorists. It sends shivers down my spine and butterflies enter my stomach whenever I think about it. Why would anyone want to lose to terrorists? Why would anyone settle for number 2 when you could be number 1. I do not get it.

Why did Al Qaeda want Kerry to be president last election? Because Al Qaeda was guaranteed victory if Kerry won.

We are at war. The only solution should be victory. I do not see why we want to surrender. I do not get it. Should I have been clappig when the Monarchs beat us in football two years ago? "Yay, we lost. Titans are number 2." Please, someone, tell me why I should want USA to surrender and lose a war.

Anonymous said...

i like how beef sandwich says that it's what every true american wants. that is the use of propaganda, either you're in or out. i do not agree with his view. pulling out of iraq may not be the ONLY thing every true american wants