Tuesday, May 6, 2008

What's Happened

Sen. Clinton's gas tax holiday commercial running in Indiana and North Carolina


abnstrike said...

Who would've thought that Hillary Clinton represents the working class. Making oil companies pay is a really good idea since they still make huge profits while we suffer.

Anonymous said...

Hillary's gas tax relief is just a political stunt. Once summer is over and we have to pay the tax again, the oil companies will jack up the prices to make up their lost profits. What we need to do
is decrease the power of oil companies by slowly transferring to alternate fuels.

Beef Sandwich said...

Wow. So when I go into hibernation right after the gas tax "holiday," does anyone want to wake me up when we find an alternate fuel? If we do this "holiday," three month "holiday," I don't want to be the one of many who has to suffer later...

But it's all good, because I have an idea. I'm going to convince my dad to take out a second mortgage on our house and we're going to build a GIANT gas tank under it, and fill the thing. And when all the people are so sad because Clinton's gas "holiday" is over, and gas has sky rocketed, well, I'm gonna be one happy fellow.

Anonymous said...

I think that Obama is just trying to make us less dependent on gasoline. Instead of us lowering the prices and making the people more dependant on it, this will encourage people to try to switch to alt energy sources, and other jim dandy things.