Thursday, March 5, 2009

P.M. Brown Speaking in Congress


Anonymous said...

Gordon Brown is a very strong speaker. It's amazing how America and Great Britain have mananged to become allies, even after several conflicts.

Anonymous said...

What did Obama give to Gordon Brown as a gift? DVDs? That's not a very good gift.

Anonymous said...

John Connor, not only did Obama give him a thoughtless gift of 25 DVDs, THEY WON'T EVEN WORK IN THE UK!!! Furthermore, When Mrs. Brown gave the Obama children nice designer clothing from London, Michelle Obama gave Mrs. Brown a box of Marine 1 models...the same models they could've bought at the airport giftshop.

I also heard a quote from a State Department official in a UK newspaper stating that (I'm paraphrasing) "The UK is not special. There's no difference between them and the other 109 countries in the world." NO DIFFERENCE!? They're only our most important ally...

Although in defense of that state department official, Obama's actions spoke louder than his words.