Sunday, March 22, 2009

Preisdent Obama Speaking to Iran


Anonymous said...

It's a good speech, the reference to Adam was a nice touch along with the ending phrase. It is much easier to connect with someone when you can prove that you aren't that different.

Anonymous said...

Touching...yes. Effective...who knows. You can only prove to people that you aren't so different if you can sympathize with them and relate to their issues, and frankly, a man in a tailored suit isn't very congruous with the majority of the Iranian population.

pretty fly for a white guy said...

He wants mutual respect between Iran and the U.S. but the problem with that is the fact that just because we have a new president doesn't mean our differences just disappear with every new administration. No wonder it didn't really work.

curlycue said...

Hopefully this problem can be solved peacefully in the near future. Diplomacy is the first step.