How did your test turn out? Which candidate did you most closely associate with? Do think this type of research can be a good indicator of people's true feelings on candidates? Was the test biased? What other factors do you feel could come into play with this test?
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This test had a cool concept, but I don't think it was completely correct. You can't really discover who you most side with by looking at a picture and clicking random buttons. You need to know the candidates' platforms on issues, and decide from there.
I do not think this test actually works. After a while they were all just mixed up in my mind and I was just clicking radom keys. Then after going through all the people like three times their faces just started to blend together. I don't think it was biased because it did the same thing for all three canidates and I saw people with a variety of different answers but I don't think it was acurate either.
My test turned out just the way I thought it would, and I was most closely associated with Obama. I really don't think this kind of research can be a true indicator of feelings towards certain candidates because there are many things that could affect the test results. I'll agree with emily when she said after a while, the pictures all look blurred and we were just hittin random buttons.
As for if the test was biased or not, I'm not really sure since all I was looking at was a bunch of pictures and words and hitting the right button.
It kind of reminded me of an eye test where you hit the buzzer every time you see a blinking light...My test turned out close to how I thought it would...except that all the candidates were really close together. Good thing I can't vote in the next election anyway, lol.
This test was really fun and it surprisingly turned out quite accurate. McCain was torwards the top in my results. I agree with the others on the fact that it can't be totally relied upon. All it is is a bunch of pictures that you are trying to associate with words and how quickly you are able to connect the two. To tell the truth I'm not sure if the test was baised or not, because it was kind of like a pattern. Once you got used to the words it was easy. But don't get me wrong it was alot of fun :)
i think this test is fairly accurate with a few exceptions. some people may do better just because of the fact of the order the test was done.
I'm sure if this was the full version, I'd feel better, bu-ut...
I was actually surprised by mine, as well. I've been kind of tied on this election, but I've felt that, though they're all close in my mind, that McCain was a little higher than Clinton or Obama (wierd comming out of someone so Liberal, huh?). When, in reality according to The Test, Obama had a little bit of a lead over McCain, and McCain was just about as far ahead of Clinton.
I mean, it kinda makes sense, because I hang around a whole lot of rabid Obama supporters, and what with John Edwards backing him now, I'm sure it's permiated somewhere into my brain. But the degree of the gap was interesting.
Ya....so i really question the validity of these tests after taking this one. I really really do dislike Hillary(no offense to any who does like her)and I would rather vote for McCain over Clinton. Yet somehow, I managed to get all the candidates on a single, horizontal line. Something just doesn't seem right there.
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