Sunday, August 24, 2008

American Prayer - Dave Stewart (Barack Obama Music Video)

Does this video with Hollywood and musicians sway people to vote for Barack Obama? I mean, if George Castanza is voting Obama, shouldn't we all? How mnay Americans do you think will vote based on Oprah or Ringo Starr?


Anonymous said...

I actually think this will help Obama. My intitial reaction was that it was a little weird, but the tactic used in the video will probably appeal to many Americans. In a society where t.v. is hands down the biggest form of communication and entertainment, people know the faces in this video.They might see their favorite actor or singer, and think, well I like them, I guess I'll vote for Obama as well. But it also is an inspirational video, which many politicans don't use enough. Both McCain and Obama have been using many commercials putting down the opponent, but I think the pictures of hope and peace in the video will trigger the emotional side of America.I don't personally support Obama, but I think some of the contents of the video are very well done.

Anonymous said...

I actually like this song, however, I don't believe it will influence people to vote one way or the other. I do enjoy seeing support for the Obama Campaign, but I personally wouldn't be swayed to vote by a song.

Kokomojo said...

I think this ad is very original, as well as emotional and inspirational. Using music and musicians of all different genres as a form of trying to reach out to people is very refreshing instead of just using words and political figures. This could be a very persuasive ad for all different ages who enjoy this method. Of course, it won't apply to every American.

Anonymous said...

i think that this commercial would influence the younger generation because some actually care who the "big stars" vote for and wouldn't vote for who would best suit the postion as president. Yet, i honestly dont care who ringo or whoopie votes for. I would vote for the one who would lead the nation the best

Anonymous said...

That's a cute song, but it doesn't really say anything about what Mr. Obama stands for (no, "change" is NOT a policy stance). Unfortunately too many Americans will see that and other ads like it and get all revved up for "change" without knowing what this "change" entails. I'm interested enough in politics to know exactly what Obama stands for, but not everyone in America is so lucky.

Anonymous said...

I definitely think this video will sway people to vote for Barack Obama, especially those who really idolize celbrities, care about their political opinion & let that influence theirs.

This video is good and entertaining, but I would never change my opinion simply because someone I like thinks otherwise.

Anonymous said...

Although I would not be swayed to vote a certain way by a video or song, I do think this may help the Obama campaign. Some people in this country do just go off what the popular idea, or what the celebrities think or tell the general public to do. If an American who didn't have any political opinions saw this video, and one of their favorite actors or artists were in it, it could be possible that they would decide to vote for Obama.

Anonymous said...

Honestly, I really dont care who J-lo or Snoop Dog is voting for, in fact if I could ethically pass a law (which I can't) I would make it illegal for artists to spout their religous, political, or personal beliefs in public they are in their position in America to entertain NOT to try and sway people to their religion or their candidates side. This is why I respect Ted Nugent, he will tell you up front that he knows you really dont care about his beliefs because how people go to a rock concert to hear about politics? So instead of letting us know any way he just keeps it all to himself and just plays his music. I really think that this music video will NOT DO ANYTHING FOR OBAMA.