Sunday, October 4, 2009

Electronic Devices at Papillion Lavista South

Electronic devices are banned from being in use during school at Papillion Lavista South according to the handbook. Once you step inside the school, you're supposed to put the devices away until the bell rings at 3:20. If they're used during the school day, they are subject to confiscation.
Some teachers are more strict than others when it concerns electronic devices being used during the day, but the fact still remains that there is a belief that students will either cheat or will become too distracted if they were allowed to use them throughout the day.
Teachers and parents should trust students to make the right decisions when it comes to their cell phones, iPods, etc. Allowing students to use them throughout the day when a teacher says it's ok to use them would alleviate the amount of students who get office referrals for their cell phones being in use. Students wouldn't have to hide using their cell phone, and a greater trust between the teacher and the student would be established.
Music in the classroom would be essential. Some students focus better while listening to music and doing their homework. Allowing them to listen to their iPods, mp3 players, or other forms of music would help students focus more on the task at hand and would lessen the amount of people who were talking while they were supposed to be working. Most students have such a hectic schedule that they already multi-task while doing their homework at home, so allowing them to listen to their music while in school would not be harmful to their grades or getting their homework done.
Teachers at Papillion Lavista South should have confidence in their students to make the right decisions instead of making strict guidelines about electronic devices in school that only create a bigger problem when they are banned from being in use.
By Snuffleupagus


waffle crisp said...

I agree. I don't think many adults understand that allowing us to use electronics will actually make us quieter in the classroom. Most students would happily listen to an ipod rather than talking. This would actually stop distractions.

Marmaduke Maximillian Winchester III said...

I don't think teachers should allow electronics to be used in the classroom. It is completely fine if they do it at home but at school you are there to learn not to have a dance party.

Also why would you want to text in school anyway? You already talk to the people you are texting in the hallways. And if you don't wait until after school.

Germ-x said...

I think Ipods should be allowed when working on homework and stuff. I focus so much better when I'm listening to music and it actually helps me accomplish what I'm doing.

When it comes to cell phones I think they should be allowed to be used during specific times such as passing periods or when your not in class. If you think about it how is anyone going to cheat on a test if they are all in the halls switching classes?

Mudkipz said...

I guess, I don't see the logic behind phones not being allowed in the halls, or in study hall, lunch, etc. There is no cheating risk there.. I don't know. I'd like any teacher to give me a reason why we can't.

Mister T said...

I am indifferent towards electronic devices, but I do think that either way, with or without electronic devices, I would be distracted.

typhoid penny said...

I agree that electronics should be allowed at the appropriate times, not during a test or while a teacher is teaching obviously. There are work times where using them would be ok. We already use them anyway; electronics are never going to go away completely. Why not let them help students?

Pirate For Hire said...

I agree that technology policies should be more lenient. When I am at home I can barely function without having some sort of music going and I'm constantly texting someone. I still get good grades and have my homework done. People who are talking are more distracting than someone with their ipod in minding their own business.

Scrubs said...

We should be able to have them in school, because many peoples parents contact them throughout the day and it is just easier to text them than have them go to the office and answer a phone. Ipods, MP3 players should all be allowed even if it is just at the end of class, in the halls, or even at lunch.

Titan24 said...

I think that the school-wide policy for electronic devices should be removed, and then each teacher can decide for their own classroom. General rule: if it is not a distraction, then it isn't a problem.

Meatloaf said...

I agree, I think that electronics should be allowed to be used. When I am in class and we are suppose to be working on homework quietly, not everyone listens. It is hard to concentrate when the person sitting behind you is talking about what they did that weekend, it is easier to just tune them out with some music