Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Two in Three Americans Oppose Rep. Joe Wilson's Outburst

Two in Three Americans Oppose Rep. Joe Wilson’s Outburst

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Blastoise said...

This is a very outrageous thing to say in front of the president and basically all of America watching. It is absurd that you have to go so low as to call the president a liar only because you oppose what he says. Try to take what the other side says and accept it, but do not attack the person for it will make you seem illegitimate and actually make the other person look better.

charizard said...

If i was that guy i would be extremely embarrassed. Like balstoise said, it was infront of the president, and all of the citizens of this country. I think there could have been better ways of expressing his view points on the topic, instead of yelling "liar!". I think it made Joe Wilson look immature and it probobly made the country worry about the circumstances our congress is coming too.

Sgt. Pepper said...

It angers me that Representative Wilson would do this, however it is his right to do so, and there is nothing we can do about that. Later it was found that his comment was unfounded due to the fact that President Obama was telling the truth. Wilson must have been misinformed somehow, I suppose, but this just shows how Americans are lacking in their support of the President. I am not saying that we should support everything that the President does, or his policies, but when he's takng the opportunity to talk to a joint session of Congress about this healthcare bill, at least have the courtesy to hear him out, it's Congress, not the House of Commons, or a town hall meeting. Come on.

Cardinalsfreak said...

So where has the respect in our country gone? Since when is it ok to talk to your commander in chief that way? Yes I understand there is free speech, but it's about being open and being ok with other peoples' free speech. I agree with the democrats on this issue. He did apologize to the president, but what about other people who were offended? I believe he should have to apologize to congress as well.

Meatloaf said...

His outburst reminds me of what one of my teachers constantly says, "Just because the thought pops into your head, it doesn't mean you have to say it." He is acting like a child by calling the president a liar.

Colonel Mustard said...

I agree that this is out of line, but still a lot of people agree with what he did too. He voiced the oppinions of the people when Obama wouldn't listen. If I remember correctly Obama said that he would only listen to your ideas or revistions of the plan if they supported the general idea of Universal Healthcare. He wouldn't listen to alternatives. He called him a liar because of all the things he says and other professionals say it simply won't work. And not just one trusted individual, many. Many people say that this won't help the country out of the ditch we dug but simply dig it deeper; and thats with opinions just based on math. When he presents an idea, he doesn't back it up but purely says it will work. The president does command respect though, he worked hard to get there and did achieve the goal no matter what others say. He deserves repect but also must listen to the people around him whether he wants to or not. He represents more than the majority.

iambroken said...

It kind of surprised me a little when i saw that a high number of Republicans opposed what Wilson said. I though they would support it for the poll but I guess they understand common courtesy. It was wrong for Wilson to have said that but he apologized the night of the incident. Why do they want another apology? The president accepted his apology the first time. If he was really sorry, which I don't think he is, he would apologize the second time.

You said...

This is going to be a wall of text so bear with me...

Just because a represenative called the president a liar makes that represenative a childish and disrespectful person? What about the crowds of people calling Bush evil, or corrupt, or as far as saying that he's the devil? I understand holding our represenatives at a higher level of expectation and manner, but does being a represenative take away his freedom to voice an opinion? Also, as American citizens, we have the obligation not to take in every thing our government passes our way. That may sound wrong, but being in America means we have the right to question what is given to us and not blindly take every thing that is proposed.

Even more so, unless we have actually read the health care bill, (It's long and I'm not sure where to get a official copy, so I doubt anyone here has) who aer we to say the represenative is wrong? It may also sound treasonous to say, but what if Obama is, not lying per se, but has the bill carefully worded not to specifically inclde illegal immigrants, but will still include what many Americans consider illegal immigrants.

Just because someone doesn't agree with something some one says, doesn't mean they are nasty, unjust people, it just means you dont agree with them. Infact, by bashing the represenative about his ouburst, how does that make your opinion any less outrageous than his? Not saying imput isn't appreciated, but giving negative comments about a negative comment doesn't help anything

Marmaduke Maximillian Winchester III said...

Hey guys give him a break. At least he stands up for what he believes in. Sure what he did was probably not the way to go about it. But it is freedom of speech. I don't like that they force him to apologize what he said is what he said you can't take it back. Just like Kanye haha. Also of course two and three Americans oppose his outburt he was incorrect in calling the president a liar...about that statement at least.