Sunday, April 13, 2008

Part 5 (of 6) Death of a Nation - Russia

AIDS Epidemic in Russia? I have heard of the problem in Africa, but in Russia? This is a very interesting clip.


Unknown said...

I am predicting that with AIDS there is going to be the next outbreak. This disease will become not only a problem for Russia but will spread to America and all over the world. This uncontainable deadly disease will strike the world and I would predict in the next twenty years. People always think that things like this will not happen to them and it might not but it will effect everyone. If they do not contract the disease themselves someone they love will. It needs to be stopped before it gets more out of control than it already is. If you read the Bible it is amazing how many of these things are actually coming true.

Anonymous said...

AIDS is a big problem everywhere, give it a while and it will be bad in America just like it is in Russia and is starting to be in the UK. I'm not surprised that it is growing into an epidemic in Russia. When circumstances are bad in a country that is the best time for diseases to spread.

pumpkinpie said...

One thing that really suprised me was the guy who was proud of having AIDS because it meant he was different. For one thing, how is he different? Most of his classmates are either druggies or alcoholics, so how is he not just like them? Rather than rising above the situation and attempting to secure the future of Russia, these people have given up and are wasting their lives.
I really can't say anything though because I live in America and don't have to struggle to live. But even though I could never understand what Russians have to face, it just doesn't seem right that the next generation can't face the future of their country.

Anonymous said...

this is insane! the fact that it is running rampid through an already declining population is going to really hurt Russina (obviously). it is going to be interesting to see how things are handled when the population hits a critical low.

abnstrike said...

I think the greatest enemy to the Russian people is ignorance and ignoring the problem. It's amazing how many millions of people die all the time because others don't care.

Anonymous said...

With Russia's tedious history, you cant help but expect these things to happen. It seems as though many Russian people have lost all zeal for life and live anonymously from day to day. When there is such a weak civil society people cant connect and feel authentically important and live with a purpose. Instead, they have had to stay as invisible as possible under the communist governments. If the people don't care that they are getting AID's then how can they recover?

What if? said...

The fact that someone apparently is proud of having Aids should signal to people that there is something wrong in the world. In Russia the Communists tried to destroy any belief in God and make everyone worship the party. The world needs a belief in God in order to function. Otherwise you will end up with a country of druggies and alchoholics and will reap the negative results.

Anonymous said...

Aids is the last thing Russia can afford right now. They have a severly small youth generation coming up and this AIDS epidemic is only going to dcrease that. I think it is inevitable that Russia will split aprart into smaller sections unless Putin does something drastic (which might be worse if that means a totalitarian goverment)

Anonymous said...

The one thing that really hit hard with me was that there are more aboritions in Russia then there are births. That is unbelievable. They are losing a majority of the next generation, then how is democracy supposed to sink in?