Thursday, September 4, 2008

Remarks by Sarah Palin

In case you missed it!


Anonymous said...

Best speech ever!! I love how she totally owned Obama! So many good statements in this speech but here is my favorite. "Some politicians use change to promote their careers, some use their careers to promote change." I think she is going to be a great VP, the US needs someone who isn't afraid to fight the corrupt system. Palin is going to be able to bring that to Washington with McCain.

Anonymous said...

I think I am caught in a dilemma because I like Palin, but I don't like McCain. It's too bad they don't mix up the candidates. Conservative, though intelligent Palin and proponent-of-change (which, seriously, we need something don't we?) Obama could be a good team in my opinion. Why is it that we don't mix up things in the White House? Wouldn't a Republican and a Democrat be a nice, balanced pair? Would it be more of a problem or more of a productive move?

Anonymous said...

i agree totally with patriot she is an awsome speaker! and she can bring the change we need to the white house.