Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Electing a President in Common Language


Anonymous said...

Wow, you couldn't do a better job of explaining how the new President of the United States is chosen. This makes it extremely simple to understand, because just reading the book made it quite confusing. Now it is much easier to comprehend with the simple pictures and explanations in this movie.

Anonymous said...

Lee LeFever is a cool kid!
that was extremely helpful.
this might be a dumb question, but could someone explain to me exactly what is different about nebraska and maine?

great voting information. now the question is...who gets to be the triangle?

Anonymous said...

this really helped me understand competely what happens during elections. but i have one question....why is it that nebraska and maine don't have one single president candidate chosen for its state? thats kind of been confusing to me.

Anonymous said...

Well that was both interesting and helpful. To maybe sort of answer jesus fish and critter, although I'm not entirely sure on this, I think each district in Nebraska and Main chooseswho it wants to be president, instead of the whole state choosing one person. So in Nebraska, there are 3 districts. So, if McCain wins two districts and Obama won one, in most states McCain would get all of the votes for the state, but in Nebraska and Maine, McCain gets two for the two districts he won, and Obama would get one for the one district he won. Again, I'm not entirely sure on this so don't quote me.

Anonymous said...

Thanks sasquatch. That makes sense. I just find it quite interesting that only two states do that.

Anonymous said...

Simple but thourough.
I love it! It really is helpful.