Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Joe The Plumber

The first Joe the Plumber Ad by John McCain.


Anonymous said...

"spread the wealth around" should be the phrase that pays for McCain. He needs to keep using that sound-bite because Americans DO NOT like socialism.

Anonymous said...

McCain should take it a step further. He should call Obama's plan what it is: communism. He should make some ads with portraits of Obama with the hammer and sickle in the background.

Anonymous said...

What Obama is proposing helps out the lower class, and for some (the wealthy) it is unfair. But we need not jump off a bridge, there are still sensible republicans in office, and guess what?! The people in need of taxe cuts:
A. do not usually turn up to vote anyways and
B. some won't pay their taxes, no matter how minute the cost.
It will not be this drastic of a change that is proposed, and if consideration is going to be taken on this piece of legislation there will be modificaitons. The people will not allow Communism to govern the United States of America. Not here. Not now. Not ever. History proves it for us.