Wednesday, November 14, 2007

3rd hour Republicans: Mars Attack!!!

Beware! America is being invaded by aliens! Not the little, green, Martian type you see in science fiction movies, but the real thing. I’m talking about the illegal type who come in every day and night, by land and sea. Studies have shown that as many as 500,000 illegal aliens make it across the border successfully each and every year. Illegal immigration causes many problems in the United States, including those that affect our economy as a whole, the crime rate, our education system, and overcrowding in cities. All these problems were already inflicting considerable damage to our country. Illegal immigration has only led to further these problems.
There are so many problems and issues concerning illegal immigration. It is time our government did something about it. According to the online Law Encyclopedia, an alien is a non-citizen who has entered the United States without government permission or stayed beyond the termination date of a visa.
There is more to think about. Americans pay taxes monthly, yearly, daily. Yet illegal aliens do not pay taxes. These taxes pay for schools and other public services. Illegal aliens do not contribute to taxes and yet they still benefit from the schools and public services we pay for mind you. This is not fair to the citizens of the United States. Illegal immigration is also unfair in the sense to immigrants that have entered our country legally. It gives all immigrants a bad reputation and labels these immigrants as the stereotypical illegal alien.
We are now in the beginning of the 21st century, and like the beginning of the 20th century, the United States finds itself in the throes of a period of mass immigration. More than one million immigrants enter the United States, both legally and illegally every year. Many argue that this new wave of mass immigration may help sustain the success that our nation is having in regard to the way of living to which many Americans have become accustomed. Yet others believe that although our nation was created by immigrants it is time to “shut down” our borders. The truth of the matter is that there will always be problems in regard to immigration and the policies that the government sets forth in order to control who comes into this country. Now more than ever immigration policy has a greater affect on the American people because the fact that we find ourselves living in a time of great danger due to a possible terrorist threat. Suppose the thought is this; if we are unable to prevent illegal immigration, how do we expect to prevent future terrorist threats? If the American people vote for Bullard to meet the need, we can overcome the great obstacle of illegal immigration and nail it to the ground once and for all. This will bring the nation back to its feet, as it once was. The United States is being invaded by aliens, and something must be done before they annihilate our society.


Anonymous said...

Is there any validity to your statement that immigrants affect the crime rate? Are Latinos so bereft of morals that they do not view anything as wrong so they go and do as they please despite any harm that may be caused to others? I don't think that immigrants come to America with the sole purpose of causing harm to others. Did you know that the homicide rate of Tijuana, Mexico is only ten percent that of San Diego, California. So are immigrants really to blame for the violence in America, or does the main problem lie within Americans themselves? Where are your facts to support your claim?

The next time you blame problems on 'aliens', have some support for your arguement instead of indiscriminately pointing a finger. Tell the truth.

Anonymous said...

I do agree that illegal immigration is a problem in America today, but I hardly agree with your last sentence. We need to stop them before they annihilate society? Wow. This seems a little overly dramatic. This whole article actually did to me. Sure it's a problem, but I doubt that our country will be left in shambles over illegal aliens.

Isaac I. said...

Wow. I definitely agree with these two comments. You are talking about Latinos so condescendingly. You can't blame all of our countries problems on one people. I don't know but to me, this sounds kind of Nazi-ish. Latinos aren't meant to be your scapegoat. I hope you realize how costly this article would be for your candidate if this were a real election. You aren't just offending illegal immigrants here, you are offending millions of relative, legal immigrants, and most Latinos as a whole.

Anonymous said...

Where in the article were Latino's singled out?

I suppose you like footing the bill for illegal aliens. More taxes please!

Isaac I. said...

When Americans think 'illegal immigrant', they most always think Latino.

All the talk about stopping illegals from crossing into our country is about building a fence on the southern border.

It may not say the word Latino anywhere in this article, but they are still being singled out.

I am not condoning illegal immigration. Nothing will change the fact that it's still illegal. But for those who are already in our country, why not grant them amnesty?

The great thing about this is that they WILL be paying their own taxes. They can't just mooch off the government if they become legal citizens. So really, we wouldn't be paying more taxes

If you are so concerned about taxes, then maybe you should support that we pull out of Iraq instead of talking about immigration. That would definitely save you a buck or two.

There, now you don't have to worry about more taxes : )