Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Who's Ready?

While watching the way that the two campaigns for the second congressional districts were run, I have been amazed at how totally different they seemed. The Democrats have run a slick campaign, highlighting the political expertise that Mark Rodriguez will bring to Washington. Kurt Bullard’s campaign, on the other hand, has been the victim of poor execution, poor planning, and poor preparation.
The first events of the campaign involved a pair of speeches given by the candidates before prospective voters at a town hall meeting. Mr. Bullard delivered a speech that appeared he had never seen before. He struggled through his entire discourse, constantly losing his place even while reading straight off of a sheet of paper, demonstrating almost no preparation. Rodriguez on the other hand had obviously taken pride in his preparation and delivered a well constructed and purposeful speech.
During the campaign both candidates had the opportunity to have their supporters publish an editorial in the Omaha World-Herald to explain why their candidate is the best choice for congressman. Rodriguez’s writers delivered a concise and well thought out paper that showed why a vote for him would help to construct a better America. Instead of trying to explain why Bullard should be elected, his supporters decided that they would be better off delivering a confusing jumble of nonsensical praise for Bullard and ignorant attacks upon Rodriguez and his beliefs.
The two candidates then met for a debate at a local library in front of prospective voters who considered themselves undecided in how they would vote in the next election. Bullard came to the debate clearly unprepared for it and seemingly ignorant as to what he even stood for. He stumbled through the whole debate, even standing silent for almost a half minute because he did not know what to say. Rodriguez, though, had a clear knowledge of what he stood for and was able to explain why he did.
After having watched the way that the two campaigns have been run and how the Bullard campaign has fallen apart as the election has progressed, I can not even imagine what a disaster it would be for Bullard to be elected. Because of this, I strongly advocate that any voters who have not made up their minds yet take a thoughtful look at who they want to represent them in Congress.


justified said...

what this blog failed to mention was the well executed speech given by Kurt Bullard on Nov. 14th. Kurt brought excitement to his supporters for they know that he is the right choice for Nebraska. How will Nebraska be informed if they are asleep...Rodriguezs speech was boring and unenthusiastic. His supporters did not seem that Bullard is a man of the people and that is why his supporters love him. And just wait for the next commercial that the Bullard campaign will soon be releasing.....every vote will switch to Bullard....=] have a nice day

Isaac I. said...

That wasn't a speech. I couldn't hear a single thing that Bullard said because people were yelling too much.

Honestly, who asks a candidate to kiss their baby in the middle of a speech? That's hardly professional. Especially when you are holding the baby by the neck...seriously.

There is a difference between cheering and random screaming. Also, what kind of candidate has to give his supporters a copy of the speech so they know when to scream? You might as well hold up applause signs or something.

What if? said...

Pure scripted emotion does not seem like a very good reason to vote for someone.

If we elected a person simply because their supporters were the loudest that wouldn't be very democratic would it?

Beef Sandwich said...

I'M SCREAMING!!! WANNA KNOW WHY!!!! SO DO I!!!! I'M JUST A SCRIPTED SCREAMER!!!! WAIT ONE SECOND!!!............... NO YOU ARE!!!............... ANYWAYS, SCREAM!!! WITH ME. YES!!! OH NO. I'M LOSING MY VOICE!!! WELL I'LL JUST KEEP SCREAMING UNTIL BULLARD STOPS MOVING HIS MOUTH!!! I CAN'T HEAR HIM ANYWAYS!! THEN I'LL STOP!!! Oh no. my voice. COUGH HACK COUGH. maybe i should go to Rodriguez's side, that way i wouldn't have to yell at random. you know, i think i will.

Democrats and Republicans alike, don't scream your voices away for some script. Rodriguez doesn't need his supporters to scream for him. He already knows who has got this election. Vote Rodriguez, or Vote SCREAMING! And I bet you won't always be screaming for a man. I'm thinking more like your life.

theaterluvr62 said...

I have to agree 100% with Justified... um Bullard has created a great support by showing that he is a good old simple farm boy that know how to give the people what they want and get them excited for the election! He is just lucky enough that his support is a very Vocal group that just wants to show some love back!!