Friday, November 2, 2007

Enough is Enough. First Hour Democrats.

Mark Rodriguez is a candidate who knows what the people want and need. Thus far, the war in Iraq has cost us, as a country, upwards of $465 billion, and the numbers are still rising. So far, 3,156 American soldiers have been killed in combat, with 3,844 killed overall. 28,385 soldiers have been wounded since the start of the war. Rodriguez knows the pain of losing a loved one to this war. On September 21, 2003, Rodriguez's brother was killed by a group of rebel militias in Iraq. Alongside his brother, 31 others were killed. 32 innocent lives were lost. It's just going to keep happening, no matter how many soldiers we send over there, no matter how many times we try to make peace. As long as there are American soldiers going to Iraq, more and more of them are going to get killed. Sending more soldiers to Iraq is not only a hard and dangerous thing for the soldiers, it's a hard thing for their families. Every day, more and more families are getting visits from army personnel, and having to deal with the fact that they will never see their brother, mother, daughter or cousin ever again. Rodriguez's goal is to get those troops out of there. We are fighting a far we cannot win. Staying in Iraq, and trying to "finish the job" isn't safe for the soldiers, it's not safe for the Iraqis, and it's not safe for us as Americans. There are far more important things we could be spending out tax dollars on here in our own country. Every day adults and children alike are going to bed hungry, sleeping on the streets, cement floors and in alleyways. Everyday someone gets seriously hurt, but cannot get medical attention because they can't afford health insurance or a doctor. Doesn't it bother you that this is happening right outside your front door, and you can't fix it because all of your tax money is going towards the war? Supporting the Iraq war is a mistake, a mistake that is seriously going to hurt America in the end. Enough is enough. We need to get those soldiers back to their families before anymore lives are tragically lost. Supporting the war is foolish, unless you are okay with millions of dollars and thousands of lives being lost in a battle we just cannot win.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I would like to know which war didn't cost lives. 300,000 died in WWII. The legitimacy of this war shouldn't be based on casualties. And what happens if we pull out. Iraq would fall back into dictatorship. Even decreasing the troop count would be like trying to fight a war without guns. Let the military do their jobs so we can get out of the safely and permanetly.