Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Katrina Bullard: A Voice for the People

Experience. This is what Senator Rodriguez claims is her advantage over Katrina Bullard, but does she really have it? Sure she’s been involved in politics since her graduation of college, but does this give her the experience she needs to meet the needs of the people? What better experience is there than being a true citizen? Mrs. Bullard has personally experienced the life of a Nebraska citizen, and understands what we need as a people.
Katrina Bullard stands for what is right. She is a strong advocate for protecting the sanctity of marriage. Marriage began as a sacred union between a man and a woman, and Bullard wishes to keep it this way.
Does keeping the money you earned sound like a good idea to you? Katrina Bullard also wants to lower your taxes. She believes in opportunity of results. She disagrees with the fact that some citizens of our government are able to sponge a living off of our tax dollars.
Social security is a raging topic these days. Why not take Mrs. Bullard’s approach? She supports the privatization of social security. What better solution is there than being able to form your own social security account and put money into it whenever you can? This could help all Americans’ futures. When we are retired, that last thing we should be thinking about is if we have enough money to live comfortably. This proposition will benefit all of our futures.
Katrina Bullard will represent Nebraska and show the United States what we stand for. She will be a strong symbol of our support for America. Is the United States known for giving up when things become difficult? No! So why should we start now? We shouldn’t! Ms. Rodriguez wants to give up our mission in Iraq. She wants us to tuck our tails and go home. Mrs. Bullard, on the other hand, supports America. She wants us to finish what we started.
“Who are we to determine who is to live and who is to die?”
If you recall, this is exactly what Mary Rodriguez stated during the sixth hour debate November 7th, 2007. A good ideal? Yes. Does this follow what she even believes in? No. Is this direct quote not exactly what every pro-life follower tries to explain to every pro-choice advocate? Senator Rodriguez seems to be confused on what she believes in. Democrats support the pro-choice stance. This entails the belief that a woman should choose whether or not she wants her child to live or die depending on her personal life. Mrs. Bullard holds true to Ms. Rodriguez’s quote, she holds true to the right to life.
Katrina Bullard holds true to her beliefs, and she will hold true to you. She will use her personal experiences as a Nebraskan citizen to guide her decisions she will make. Mrs. Bullard will represent Nebraska as a symbol of the real American who pulled herself to success all on her own. Vote Katrina Bullard; pro-life, pro-success, pro-you.


Anonymous said...

Does being a professional connoisseur mean that you have the ability to make great wine on your first try just because you want to? Does being an art fanatic automatically mean you could just up and make a masterpiece when you feel like it?
The answer is no. Just by being a Nebraska citizen does not give Bullard the ability or experience or talent needed to make a great member of Congress. I'm sorry, but just having the will to do something doesn't mean you are instantly qualified...

Isaac I. said...

Ok...I have a couple things.

You say that Bullard has experienced Nebraska as a true citizen. So are you sayin that, just because she has been involved in government, that she is not also a true citizen? Has she not lived in the same state for her entire life? Has she not felt the same struggles that every other Nebraskans has felt? I think she has. She knows exactly what the Nebraskan citizens want because she is one, and because she has been involved in government for so long, she will no how to properly respond to Nebraskans' wants, her wants.

I also have to say that i disagree with the idea of privatization of social security. What of the hard working Americans who can only afford to pay their present bills and have little or no money to spare? They won't be able to pay for their own social security. SO what will be done to help these people? These people will be forced to work much longer than the average American just so they can pay their current bills and then struggle through a harsh and short retirement.

Saddam is dead, no nuclear weapons have been found in Iraq, and the Iraqi police and military is now fully able to watch over their own country. How many more American lives must be wasted before you realize that they are dying in vain. Our brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, and friends are lives are being spent for no reason at all. The war is over, let's bring our loved ones home. You may say that this will be "tucking our tails" but, even if this is true, sometimes retreat is the better course of action than fighting. Any good leader would no that. Why should we continue to put American lives at risk in a pointless conflict? Cough, cough Vietnam.

Isaac I. said...

Just to let you know that, in my last comment, it was Mark Rodriguez speaking, not Isaac Inungaray.

I am truly a huge supporter of our troops in Iraq. I love and respect everyone who is serving in the armed forces. I am eternally grateful for those poor souls who have fallen in their service. They died protecting the natural rights of not just Americans, but those of everyone in the world. These rights don't just belong to us, but to every person that walks this planet. Our troops are giving, and always have given, their best efforts to gaurantee these rights. Bless them all.

Anonymous said...

I would just like to say that in this posts last paragraph you qoute Mary Rodriguez as saying who are we to choose who lives and dies, and then compare that to her pro-choice stance. Being pro-choice does not necessarily mean that Rodriguez is for abortion, but she wants it to be a choice for the women of America. Also, being pro-choice does not mean that the government would choose to terminate pregnancies, which is who I assume she is refering to when she says "we",but the woman who is carrying the child.

Anonymous said...

I find it kind of funny that you adopted the democratic candidate's slogan for your own. little lack of creativity there? Hope no one else noticed that. Ouch.

A voice for the people? If Katrina BullardBulla rdBullaBulledBulbarBullBullasBulliedBulletedBulkedBullsBulletPulledBullringBillBulbed is the voice of the people, the why is she echoing the sediments of several religious factions? I don't believe that is the voice of the [i]people[/i] but the voice of a minority who wants to limit the rights of another minority. A true mouthpiece of America would want to preserve the basic rights of life, LIBERTY, and most importantly, the pursuit of happiness.

And this whole thing about M.R.MRAMFMGMNMPM not being a true citizen? HELLO--the woman grew up in Omaha's inner city. If anyone knows what changes our city needs and when the healing should begin, it's her.