Friday, November 2, 2007

Ending The American Holocaust-- 3rd hour republicans

The fetus. A human life. The debate against abortion is that simple. We can argue all we want about the rights of a woman, the morality of the issue, the ethical situation, and or the circumstances in which the abortion was made. Those are all secondary factors that serve only to clutter the debate. The simple fact is, when we remove the fetus from the mother’s body we are in fact murdering the human life—for what reason, comes later. The issue at hand is do we have the right to take a life without giving it a chance to live?
Thirty-two years ago the Supreme Court of the United States denied the most basic of human rights—life—to the most vulnerable of people; unborn children. As we approach this anniversary, we pause to remember the ramifications—over 44 million dead.
The authors of the courts Roe vs. Wade decision found a constitutional right to privacy that guaranteed the right to an abortion. But in doing so, they failed to consider what—or who—it was that was being aborted. They went so far as to write: “We need not to resolve the difficult question of when life begins…There has always been strong support for the view that life does not begin until live birth.
All citizens, including Supreme Court Justices, need to consider the question of when a human’s life begins. It is now abundantly clear that a new, unique, and infinitely valuable human being begins life at conception.
Think about this. There are 1.3 million babies were aborted in the year 2000. One baby is aborted every 24 seconds, 147 every hour, 3,526 every everyday, 24,750 every week, and 107,750 every month. Also less than two percent of women say that they have become pregnant as result of rape or incest, which means the other 98% don’t even have any form of an excuse at all. The fact is they are just too immature and selfish to take responsibility for their own careless actions. Another sad fact is that abortion is the most common surgical procedure among all other procedures. By supporting Rodriguez you are supporting a new form of genocide—abortion. Vote for Bullard and help end this American Holocaust.


HuskerCubs...WeSuck said...

Well life itself is subjective. While you believe life created at conception I believe a baby is not truly alive until birth because the baby is dependent on the mother. I do not think the baby is truly alive until it is breathing and functioning on it's own. You may believe in the right to live but what about the rights of what's going on inside a woman's own body?

Lastly, I greatly dislike how those who are against abortion generally base it around a book written almost 2,000 years ago by an ancient desert nomad (probably with a psychological disorder). Then they want to force those beliefs which come from that book on others.

What if? said...

What if I believe that someone isn't alive until their eighteenth birthday and that until that point I have the right to do what I want to my children. After all the child is not functioning or living on its own - it depends on me for all its basic needs. Shouldn't I have the right to regulate what goes on in my home? And if this includes murdering my children who are you to question my beliefs. After all aren't you just pressing your own beliefs about morality on me?

If you truly believe that life is subjective then you can not possibly believe that murder is illegal.

justified said...

First, I ask that the reporters or whoever writes these columns proofreads before posting. I just do not want my beliefs to be bashed due to errors that can simply be fixed. For example, if you are going to take facts from a site cite the source and change the amount of years because abortion has been legal for more than 32 years.

But another example of something being dependent on another human. Doesnt a fly depend on humans and other life in order to survive? Are you still killing a mosquito when it is biting you? Yes because that mosquito is alive. Wouldnt taking a baby from the warm comfort of his or her mothers womb killing the baby??? And also the baby has a soul at conception.

Anonymous said...

i liked your article. It was the best I've read so far. the only thing is, i would like to know more about the candidate and her beliefs, besides abortion.