Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Bullard for Nebraska

After watching the debate it is clear to see that Kurt Bullard is the front runner in this race. He stood strong on his Christian values. Mr. Bullard is pro-life and against gay marriage. Sen. Rodriguez on the other hand is pro-choice and for gay marriage, even though he is Catholic. Bullard did his homework and was fully prepared for the debate, while Rodriguez, on many occasions, did not answer the question at hand. He kept going back to the issue of foreign oil and alternative energies, which is not an issue, because both candidates are for lesser dependence on foreign oil. There are more pressing issues at hand than foreign oil. The real issues are those that affect Nebraska and its citizens directly. The war against terror, abortion, gay rights, and taxes are just a few of the important issues.
When asked about taxes Sen. Rodriguez replied by stating “I am not going to raise taxes.” That is absurd with his proposals. Sen. Rodriguez wants to cut our dependence on foreign oil completely and rely totally on energies such as Earth friendly ethanol, wind, and solar power. This is not a bad idea. However, a sudden and complete change would require large amounts of money. This means that our taxes would sky rocket. Rodriguez also wants to pass legislation making it illegal for vehicles in the U.S. to get less than 50 mpg. This is not possible because not all Americans are financially able to buy a new car by the year 2010, like Sen. Rodriguez wants. Besides, we are taking the right steps to save the environment. Right now we are slowly changing cars and other vehicles to cleaner, nature friendly ethanol and hydrogen. We are doing this without our taxes going through the roof. Sen. Rodriguez’s proposal would take hard earned money out of Nebraskan’s pockets. This is not necessary because there are more pressing issues at hand. Note, that not once in the debate did Sen. Rodriguez speak of the Nebraska farmers and how to help them by using Nebraska grown corn for the use of ethanol.
Mr. Bullard is the best man to represent Nebraska. He is a small town man who has worked hard to get where he is at as Vice President of Nebraska Furniture Mart. Without a good work ethic Mr. Bullard would have achieved nothing. He has promised to represent Nebraska and its citizens to the best of his abilities in the U.S. Congress. He will propose legislation to end abortion and gay marriage. He will work on laws to cut taxes for the residents of this nation and more importantly this state. It is clear to see why Kurt Bullard is the best choice for Nebraska. It is your right as a citizen to get out and vote on Election Day. It is your responsibility to get out and vote on Election Day. It is your responsibility to make the right decision and vote for Kurt Bullard for U.S. Congress. Besides, who wants a man to represent them that has held city office his entire life and never seen what the working class is all about, a man who was quoted in the debate as saying “Communism is not such a bad thing.”(Mark Rodriguez, 11/7/07).

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