The candidates for the House of Representatives election have been set. It will be Kurt Bullard, the Republican candidate, running against Mark Rodriguez, the democratic candidate. Rodriguez is a candidate who has never been a part of the real world. On the other hand there is Kurt Bullard, the American working man and the live representative of the American dream. As Vice President of Nebraska Furniture Mart he can relate to the American workers in this country.
High taxes, abortion, and government controlled healthcare in Nebraska? I don’t think so. Mark Rodriguez is crazy if he thinks these values can get him anywhere beyond city council in this state.
For over a century Nebraskans have been voting conservative republicans into congress. Have any of them thoroughly failed and not represented us to the utmost of their ability? Nothing comes to my mind. Who’s to say that we should stop now?
Mr. Rodriguez exemplifies all of the reasons why not to vote for him. He is for more government spending and higher taxes. What honest, hard working Nebraskan wants higher taxes? Today’s economy is stable and strong; more government influence in our stable economy would only weaken it. There would be excessive amounts of inflation and it would do nothing but harm our country and state. Another reason not to vote for Mr. Rodriguez is the fact hat the man is not morally sound. He is 100% pro-choice. There is no hiding it. How does a man who calls himself religious hide his own political beliefs to win some votes? Who wants a man to represent them that can’t even support his own beliefs? Well, I guess I might shy away from supporting the murder of innocent babies too if I were him. So to all you Rodriguez backers out there what do you have to say about your “representative” being pro-choice, especially those of you who are Latino and Catholic? Mr. Rodriguez doesn’t seem to be the most morally sound candidate in the race, does he?
It is plain to see that, if elected, Mr. Rodriguez would harm not only Nebraska but the entire country as well. He would take hard earned money out of our pockets and put it towards unnecessary government spending. I ask why? Why do we need to support things that are already supported enough, Mr. Rodriguez? We must simply leave good alone. We must instill good values into our youth. I’m sorry but being pro-choice is ethically and morally wrong. Mr. Rodriguez is not good for the country and most importantly not good for Nebraska.
High taxes, abortion, and government controlled healthcare in Nebraska? I don’t think so. Mark Rodriguez is crazy if he thinks these values can get him anywhere beyond city council in this state.
For over a century Nebraskans have been voting conservative republicans into congress. Have any of them thoroughly failed and not represented us to the utmost of their ability? Nothing comes to my mind. Who’s to say that we should stop now?
Mr. Rodriguez exemplifies all of the reasons why not to vote for him. He is for more government spending and higher taxes. What honest, hard working Nebraskan wants higher taxes? Today’s economy is stable and strong; more government influence in our stable economy would only weaken it. There would be excessive amounts of inflation and it would do nothing but harm our country and state. Another reason not to vote for Mr. Rodriguez is the fact hat the man is not morally sound. He is 100% pro-choice. There is no hiding it. How does a man who calls himself religious hide his own political beliefs to win some votes? Who wants a man to represent them that can’t even support his own beliefs? Well, I guess I might shy away from supporting the murder of innocent babies too if I were him. So to all you Rodriguez backers out there what do you have to say about your “representative” being pro-choice, especially those of you who are Latino and Catholic? Mr. Rodriguez doesn’t seem to be the most morally sound candidate in the race, does he?
It is plain to see that, if elected, Mr. Rodriguez would harm not only Nebraska but the entire country as well. He would take hard earned money out of our pockets and put it towards unnecessary government spending. I ask why? Why do we need to support things that are already supported enough, Mr. Rodriguez? We must simply leave good alone. We must instill good values into our youth. I’m sorry but being pro-choice is ethically and morally wrong. Mr. Rodriguez is not good for the country and most importantly not good for Nebraska.
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